Read the ''Important'' part
Black Luster Soldier is my favourite archetype so I have been trying to make a powerful BLS deck and here it is! Please tell me your suggestions so I can make this deck as good as it can be.
This deck uses no banned cards. If you can't get Twilight BLS replace it with sacred BLS and then add another card to the side deck.
IMPORTANT: I was having problems putting cards in the side deck,
after super soldier reborn is the side deck. This means that the monster to spells/traps ratio will be incorrect.
Link Black Luster Soldier is purely optional; (If you own it though use it) because its very exspensive and you could accidentally banish by pot of extra's effect.
I used them to increase consistency in the deck. There is no pencilplume, for syntheisis can special summon from the grave. 1x bookstone so you can add syntheisis from your graveyard to your hand.
Rest of the
Main deck
x2 Super Soldier Reborn: Once you side in Sacred BLS you can use envoy as the target and sacred as the special summon, therefore triggering Sacred's effect.
Envoy of chaos: This card will probably only be used as link and ritual material but if your opponent is using monsters with 3100+ atk you can always add it to your hand with reinforcement of the army.
1x Foolish Burial: If you don't get Super BLS in your hand you can use it to send super to the grave and bring it back with synthesis. Also it can help you summon twilight and
envoy BLS.
1x Impcantation Inception: if the only ritual materials available are impcantations add it to your hand with candoll.
Side Deck [15 cards]
The side deck is basically an arsenal of handtraps, 3x of the card you want to summon with Reborn (Sacred BLS), and Arisen gaia which is a target for Super BLS.
Extra deck [15 cards]
Mainly just so you can use pot of extra but Dark Rebellion and link BLS are summonable and powerful.