- UPDATE (01/22/2025) -
With SUDA release replaced Morian with Awakening since it is just a better effect that still lets us set from grave. Testing with the new Elzette, Azamina of the White Forest since it make your apprentice a 1 card that can access all 3 engines but it does not allow Diabellze on the endboad since it takes Diabellze's place as the illusion search target from Gazelle. Will continue to test and research any other bridges that could get her on the end board but for now list is looking like it will stay pretty much the same. A Bao A Qu also is something to look into for the extra deck but not sure what to cut just yet.
- UPDATE (01/20/2025) -
Adjusted Ratios cut 1 Gazelle added 1 Coatl, cut 2 Diabelstar added 2 Talents. Side deck changes to be made for going second to side out stuff like Rabit, Azarune, and most likely all the Diabellstar Engine since they are less usefull in a going second scenario.
- UPDATE (01/10/2025) -
After adjustments deck is 4-1 and feels much better. Lines have been adjusted a bit to end with Berfomet on board so Coatl and Swordknight are live but it weakens the effectiveness of the follow up Chimera Fusion unless you are able to keep a monster in hand after full combo. I would still like to practice lines where when hard opening Malicious we use the hand rip effect since we dont need to send of the Berfomet fusion.
- UPDATE (01/06/2025) -
Dropped 2 Veiler, 1 Deception, Dark Fusion, and 1 Chimera Fusion. After testing the 45 card version bricked every game. Hopefully droping the 5 cards will increase consitency as the 2 veiler would be nice to keep but will get in the way and the rest of the cards are not requirements at their previous ratios as decpetion and fusion are searchabel and recycleable and dark fusion does us no good if we draw nothing to fuse with.
Deck needs more work, feels like it has a high brick chance or only sets up low power endboards if you are able to work something out due to the high discard cost in the strarters. Most combos seem to end in ways where Swordknight and Coatl in grave are not live and full combo is 2 cards so we dont have the explosive 1 card crazy boards more powerfull decks do. If we can fix consistency and help the other cards be live more often this will be a super fun and very competative deck I think.