This Paleozoics deck is extremely cheap and you can even cut 1 "Paleozoic Opabinia" if you want, to make it cheaper. We simply use Timelords cause it's not expensive and can strike for 4000 lp with one early attack, other than that it gives you one free turn (most of the times) or if your opponent doesn't read it's effect he can lose 2000 lp more.
Laudry Dragonmaid is a cheap version of "Needlebug nest" while it remains in the theme of -Level 2 monsters-. It can work well with "Soldier Dragons" too.
"Soldier Dragons" can summon to defence position up to 3 more monsters in your oppoent's turn.
The best trap card targets to discard from the deck with "Paleozoic Marrella" are: "Phantom Knights' Fog Blade" (to revive "The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin"), "Rise to Full Height" (to protect your monsters from battle phase), "Lost wind" (the most important card, which can return to field and proc a paleozoic effect from grave, while it can negate the effect of a monster and half it's attack points).
There are 24 Paleozoics cards cause we need to make use of "Paleozoic Pikaia"(draw 2) quite often.
"Wetlands" can boost the attack of the useless Paleozoics monsters (that are useable only as bodies for XYZ and Link materials) to 2400 ATK, which is quite high.
"Gravity Bind" is extremely good floodgate vs synchro/fusion decks and can't affect your own monsters (you mostly play level 2 or XYZ/link monsters).
"Imduk the World Chalice Dragon" can work as a cheap "Relinquished Anima" in a way.
There are other cards too, so you need to learn their effects and use them on the right time. I've tried more expensive cards with "better" extra deck, but it felt worse in my hands. It doesn't need to be so complicated or to rely on extremely strong effects. I am not telling you that it's a competitive deck, but I was able to beat some "Yubel Meta decks" with it.
*You can try your luck by adding other cards from the "Fabled", "Danger!", "Infernity", "Dark world" archetypes as well.