The third and possibly final variation of the Chaos Ogdoadic deck I made. The deck is tightly packed and more refined, but it doesn't have as much combo potential as the other two variants. It has the XYZ OTK engine in there, even though that is nothing special at this point. Also, less engine space means more room for hand traps. This way, it is much easier to focus on reptile control, but still not being completely punished by your opponent for trying to play the game. It is still easy to make a good enough board, and possibly a Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres, because, well, who doesn't want card bounce? The deck was also made this way to filter though the most prevalent engines while still not being COMPLETELY all gas. Your SYnchros really put in the work here, and can even be used for your XYZ and links once they fulfill their purpose. This is just a test, however, and personally, I think this is the second-best out of the three (I like Dangers, alright?). I might go with the Brave Token engine in the future, but for now I am focusing on Chaos Dragons.