**** the other Invoked variants, we have small children with disturbing eldlich monstrosities. The children part is meta in the OCG, and i'm betting it's gonna be meta in Amurica once the rule of Dragon Link falls. But here I made a deck to show off the capabilities of it. AKA a cool fusion/link deck that shits out fusion/link fodder, makes big monsters, and then slowly realizes on turn 40 that it has no other game plan because Battle Butler is hard to make use of (would appreciate suggestions on how to re-use him after tributing him, thankies). Jokes aside, the Prankids spam out resourcse to make big monsters with okay effects, and the Invokeds fuse together to steal opponent's cards as they fuse. The main synergy comes in the varying attributes of the Prankids, unlocking many fusions for you to go into, and the fact that they're both meta fusion archetypes. Anyway, deck list.
3 Rocksies- Key component of the small children, provides draw and fodder
3 Lampies- Fodder and burn, another key component
3 Dropsies- A effect Dzeef would hate, with more fodder
3 Fansies- Graveyard setup and fodder
3 Aleister- Key component of Invoked engine, mainly used to fuse together
3 Ash- can put a chokehold on a lot of decks, as most decks search heavily
2 Ogre- nice monster removal that can get annoying stuff like that weird synchro Borreload away
3 Ghost Belle- underapreciated ghost girl, shut's down a lot of decks
3 Prank Kids Prank- Graveyard set up and more fodder, but also allows you to re-use resources and draw
3 Prank Kids Place- Good searcher with some okay stat changing effects, although they can help to beat over problem monsters like Dragoon or the weird synchro Borreload
3 Prank Kids Pandemonium- The archetypal fusion spell, fantastic card, although it locks you into Prank Kids so i reccomend getting your Invokeds out first
3 Invocation- oh, you think that's your Ash? you mind if I just, make a Purgatrio with it?
1 Instant Fusion- gets out Raidjin and some of the Prankids fusions to start off or extend combos
3 Desires- Great draw spell, although cost is heavy, lookin at you Johnny
2 Prank Kids Plan- some battle protection and link summoning, not very good i probably should've cut it lol
Extra Deck ********
2 Battle Butler- 3k beater with a raigeki and resource recovery and a badass name. Just unsure how to make more use of it since he has to tribute himself to use this effect. I really wanna make a loop of him tbh since he's not a once per turn
2 Rocket Ride- Insta target, gets out more resources you already spent and gets out a little damage sometimes
2 Weather Washer- Other insta target with an okay-ish effect, only really good as a secondary option to Rocket imo
1 Elysium- great target to build up into, can destroy boards
1 Magellanica- 3k beater, wish Aleister would've become a cat girl instead of this but eh
1 Mechaba- GY setup and negates
1 Augodies- Dunno how to spell it's name but, can remove monsters and grow to be a big beater
1 Purgatrio- beefy beater against swarm decks, great target to use with your opponent's Ash Blossom
1 Roarin Rooster- Feather Duster on legs, and monster recovery. Link version of Butler basically
1 Bow Wow Bark- Monster recovery yet again
1 Dodo-Doodle-Doo- Spell recovery which is really nice in a fusion archetype, and general resource recovery.
Playing guide
This deck isn't super complex or anything. You want to link climb with the Prankids to get to the link-4, and use the Prankids effect to garner more resources as they're linked away. Use the resources gathered by the linked Prankids to fuse into a Battle Butler, and then use your opponent's cards (and probably hand traps lol) against them as you go into a Invoked monster, hopefully Mechaba for negates or Purgatrio against swarm decks. Afterwards, rip and tear your opponent (hopefully by the effect of Place) until you eventually get them in OTK range and win.
(Things to note! Going second is best, and you should definetly run TTT in case your opponent hand traps any of your Prankid's resource garnering effects. My dumbass forgot to run it. If you decide to play this deck, run TTT instead of Plan.)