Bringing the Cloudians back! The main strategy is to use The Sanctuary in the Sky to reduce your battle damage from Cloudians to zero, while their effect keeps them all from being destroyed by battle. All the Cloudians can work together to build up Fog Counters pretty quickly and take control of the board. Turbulence is good for bringing out Smoke Ball into free Link plays. Archlord Kristya is also a relatively easy summon, since Turbulence gives pretty good control over the number of Fairy Types in the Graveyard, and summoning Kristya at the right time just makes for an easier lock-down. It's a pretty fun deck, not meant for pro tournaments, but it can take home some surprise wins at locals. To make the deck more competitive, I would cycle out some of the weaker cards for hand traps, but I just prefer to keep my decks as pure to the archetype as possible.