There are just so many things that are wrong with Genex. From the reliance on Genex Controller as their only Tuner monster and the required Tuner for their Synchros for so long, to the Normal Summon-reliance of so many of their Main Deck monsters, to the baffling focus on monster Attributes for their effects and Synchro Materials for so long, to the seemingly random effects plastered on most of their monsters including most of their Synchro monsters. With the initial release of Genex in Duel Terminal, the archetype got an additional wave of support in the Genex Ally monsters which did nothing save for the Synchros that were introduced then, and then they got another wave of support in the R-Genex monsters which were good for what they were, but not good enough to save the already-failing archetype. It wasn’t until the recent Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge that they were actually playable as a Deck, soon as they got an archetypal Ultimate Offering in Repaired Genex Controller which allowed you to perform an additional Normal Summon of a Genex monster each time one was added to your hand once per chain which came at the cost of locking you into Synchro Summoning using a Genex Tuner as material from the Extra Deck. Now, it is almost apparent that there is an issue here. You can’t play Repaired Genex Controller and go hog wild with its effect in a Deck where you need to do plays involving Summoning monsters from your Extra Deck that are not Synchro Monsters made with a Genex Tuner. This brings us to today’s topic of Genex Prediction Princess. Genex has 1 Level 9 monster in Locomotion R-Genex. Locomotion R-Genex is a Level 9 DARK Machine Synchro Monster that requires a Genex Tuner monster and 1 or more non-Tuner DARK monsters as material. And when it is Synchro Summoned, you take control of the face-up monster your opponent controls with the highest Level. You can’t actually do modern Genex plays in a non-pure Genex Deck, especially not a Deck containing Ritual Monsters and one that must Xyz Summon. So, to get to Locomotion, we need to find ourselves the best Genex Tuner monsters to work with first. That gives us 3 options: Genex Controller, Genex Ally Birdman, and R-Genex Turing. Genex Controller is good because it is accessible off of cards like Unexpected Dai as well as the new Primoredial Tremors. Turing can treat itself as a Level 1 or 3 monster when used for the Synchro Summon of a Genex Synchro Monster with it already being a Level 2 monster. And Birdman can Special Summon itself from your hand by returning a face-up monster you control to the hand. The Level these monsters share is Level 3, so we need to find some Level 6 DARK monsters to Synchro with them into Locomotion. Regarding Turing being a Level 2 monster and also able to treat itself as a Level 1, I did try to work with the Level 7 Allure Queen monsters in Allure Queen LV7 and the new Chaotic Allure Queen, both of which can be searched off of the new Allure Dance which also can send another Spell/Trap you control to the GY to Soul Charge for any number of Allure Queen monsters from GY. But it prevented me from playing Controller which resulted in me having to hard-draw Turing, but I already needed to hard-draw Monstrosity. So, it is a bit awkward having to hard-draw 2 very specific cards. And it also required me having to play a larger number of LIGHT and DARK monsters as Chaotic Allure Queen cannot equip another copy of itself from GY since that would not allow you to get LV7 from Deck as its name needs to be changed as it changes its name to the equipped monster’s name (so if it equips itself, its name doesn’t change). So, the Level 6 DARK monsters I ended on were the Bystial monsters as they are able to set themselves up given you have access to Lubellion. Knowing this, I did not play Birdman and just opted to play Controller and Turing. So, our opening requires The Bystial Lubellion, access to a Genex Tuner which we will imagine as Primoredial Tremors, and Monstrosity. Lubellion sends itself from hand to GY to search for Bystial Magnamhut. Activate Tremors paying 2000 LP and declaring the name of Genex Controller to Special Summon it from Deck. Banish Lubellion from GY to Summon Magnamhut from hand who activates to search a Dragon during the End Phase (which going to be another Bystial for interruption). Synchro Controller and Magnamhut into Locomotion and then target it with Monstrosity to get Bibliomuse and Deus-X from Deck. And from there, just make Aggregator, sending Herald for full Prediction Princess combo. So, in addition to our normal Prediction Princess endboard, we also have a Bystial searched during the End Phase and Tremors in GY which I will explain later. It’s not the best thing, but we are experimenting here and you gotta do what you gotta do.
For the monsters: 3 Prediction Princess Tarotrei, 1 Prediction Princess Tarotreith, and 3 Prediction Princess Bibliomuse. Tarotrei is a Quick Effect to flip a monster face-up or face-down and during the End Phase, she can Special Summon a Flip Monster from hand or GY face-down. Tarotreith can either be Ritual Summoned or Special Summoned via Tarotrei’s End Phase effect. On flip, she can Special Summon a Flip Monster from your Deck face-down and she can Quick Effect flip any number of your monsters either face-up or face-down. Bibliomuse can Special Summon herself back from GY face-down if she was tributed and sent there. On flip, she can add a Prediction Princess monster other than herself and a Ritual Spell from Deck to hand, and while she’s face-up on field, your Ritual Monsters gain targeting and destruction protection from your opponent’s effects. 2 Deus-X Krawler which negates all activated monster effects on your opponent’s side of the field after it has been flipped face-up and if it is destroyed on field, you can search for a Level 9 monster with a different Type and Attribute than it from Deck. 2 Gizmek Kaku, the Supreme Shining Sky Stag which can Special Summon itself from your hand if there is a monster in the EMZ and it is a Level 9. 3 The Bystial Lubellion and 1 each of Bystial Magnamhut, Bystial Druiswurm, and Bystial Baldrake. Lubellion can send itself from hand to GY to search for a Bystial monster except itself. Magnamhut adds a Dragon monster from Deck or GY to your hand during the End Phase with this effect activating on Special Summon. Druiswurm targets a Special Summoned monster your opponent controls and sends it to the GY if it is sent from the field to the GY. Baldrake can Tribute another LIGHT or DARK monster when your opponent Special Summons a Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and/or Link Monster and target 1 of those Special Summoned monsters to banish it. All of the Level 6 Bystials can banish a LIGHT or DARK monster from either GY to Special Summon themselves from hand with this effect being a Quick Effect if your opponent controls a monster. 3 R-Genex Turing and 1 Genex Controller. Turing can Quick Effect Special Summon itself from your hand and immediately Synchro Summon a Genex Synchro Monster and while it is on the field, it can also be treated as a Level 1 or 3 monster when used for the Synchro Summon of a Genex Synchro Monster. Genex Controller is a Level 3 Normal Tuner Monster which we are playing for Primoredial Tremors.
Spell/Traps: 3 Pot of Prosperity. 3 Primoredial Tremors. This card pays 2000 LP and has you declare the name of a Normal Monster. If you control no monsters, you can Special Summon the Normal Monster whose name you declared from your Deck and Normal Monsters with the declared name and Primoredial monsters cannot be destroyed by battle until the end of your opponent’s turn. This effect makes the card basically Unexpected Dai, but we also need to consider its GY effect. If your opponent Normal Summons a monster, you can banish this card from your GY and target a Normal Monster you control or n your GY to banish 1 monster on the field with lower ATK. With Controller being our Normal Monster in this Deck, this can banish a monster with less than 1400 ATK which is actually pretty good considering you can get rid of your opponent’s Normal Summon or another monster they control. 3 Pre-Preparation of Rites which searches a Ritual Spell from Deck and a Ritual Monster from Deck or GY whose name is mentioned on that card. 3 Underworld Ritual of Prediction which can Ritual Summon a Prediction Princess Ritual Monster from hand or GY face-up or face-down and you can banish it from GY during the Standby Phase to Special Summon a non-Ritual Prediction Princess monster from Deck face-down. 2 Prediction Ritual which can only Ritual Summon Prediction Princess Tarotrei, and you can banish it from GY except the turn it was sent there to search for a Prediction Princess monster. 1 Chaos Space which sends a LIGHT or DARK monster from hand to GY to add a LIGHT or DARK monster that cannot be Normal Summoned/Set from your Deck to your hand whose Level is between 4 to 8 and you can banish it from GY to target a banished LIGHT or DARK monster that cannot be Normal Summoned/Set and place it on the bottom of your Deck to draw 1 card. 1 Instant Fusion for Master of Ham. And 3 World Legacy Monstrosity which either Special Summons a Level 9 from hand or targets a Level 9 monster you control to Special Summon 2 Level 9 monsters from Deck with a different Type and Attribute than that monster but with different names.
Extra Deck: 1 Master of Ham which can Special Summon a Flip Monster from hand or Deck face-down on Fusion Summon. 1 Arms of Genex Return Zero which needs a DARK Tuner and 1 or more non-Tuner monsters. When your opponent activates a monster effect, you can Quick Effect banish a monster with the same Attribute from your GY to negate the activation and destroy that monster. And you can only banish each Attribute once per turn to activate this effect. You can also target up to 6 Genex monsters with different Attributes that are banished and/or in your GY to shuffle them into the Deck and destroy that many cards in the Spell/Trap Zones. 1 Locomotion R-Genex. 1 Cloudcastle as an alternative Level 9 Synchro to go into. 2 Herald of the Arc Light which searches a Ritual Monster or Ritual Spell from Deck if it is sent to GY. 1 Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder. 2 Mereologic Aggregator which can send a monster from your Extra Deck to GY on Xyz Summon and it can target monsters in your GY up to the number of materials attached to it to detach the same number of materials and attach the monsters you targeted in GY to itself in exchange. 1 Laevateinn, Generaider Boss of Shadows and 1 Jormungandr, Generaider Boss of Eternity. 1 S:P Little Knight and 1 I:P Masquerena. 1 Repair Genex Controller which we can potentially make to turn on Turing to go into Return Zero on our opponent’s turn and 1 Gravity Controller.
Side Deck: 3 Nibiru, the Primal Being, 2 Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju, 3 Kashtira Fenrir, 1 Harpie’s Feather Duster, 3 Dark Ruler No More, and 3 Evenly Matched.