🎆🥳🎉Happy New Year! 🎉🥳🎆
Use a wide arsenal of burn cards to quickly defeat opponents! The hand traps Hanewata, Junkuriboh, Eco, Mystical Spirit of the Forest, and D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas counter the opposing burn decks!
On Soul of Fire
Soul of Fire is this deck's strongest burn spell. 2 copies of this card can easily defeat opponents. With its effect, you can banish Subterror Behemoth Ultramafus to deal a huge 1500 points of effect damage and banish Morphtronic Datatron to deal 600 effect damage. Ultramafus is the cheapest main deck pyro monster available with a high attack stat. Datatron is the second preferred pyro monster, because it has a decent attack stat and a useful effect that deals 600 effect damage by tributing a monster. 600 damage is important because there are rare scenarios that need the extra damage. For example: Tremendous Fire + Goblin Thief = 1500 damage. Add in Datatron's effect damage, then it becomes 2100, enough for an otk. An alternative to Datatron is Volcanic Slicer, whose effect deals only 500 damage, which isn't enough to otk.
Some Tips
Soul of Fire can increase Restructer Revolution's damage by giving your opponent an extra draw.
D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas is an excellent counter to burn decks because his effects prevent his controller from taking any further effect damage. You can special summon King Leonidas from your hand by first damaging yourself with Tremendous Fire.
The 12 hand trap count increases your odds of drawing 2 hand traps in your opening hand. King Leonidas and Eco, Mystical Spirit of the Forest, and Hanewata prevent you from taking effect damage for the rest of the turn. Junkuriboh negates and destroys only 1 card that inflicts effect damage, but it can stop the opponent from getting too crazy by supporting the other hand traps.