This deck specializes in using monsters from both graveyards to create a never-ending flow of powerful zombies!
This deck is fairly experimental but can do a lot of fun stuff with the right matchups.
Our main goal with this deck is to break our opponent's board and create a game state where we win with sheer card advantage.
This deck doesn't really have any 1 card combos but most 2 card combinations can get you to a favorable position such as Zombie World + Samurai Skull
Activate Zombie World > Normal Samurai Skull > Send Glow Up Bloom > Special Summon Changshi via Glow Up Bloom> Changshi sends Plaguespreader Zombie > Special Plaguespreader Zombie > which can go into a synchro play or a link play depending on a situation.
Unfortunately, this deck doesn't have tons of ways to get bodies on board if our Normal Summon gets negated so I opted to add cards such as Shade Brigadine in the side deck and Ghost Lancer the Underworld Spearman in the main deck.
Going first we have few options but Zombie World + Balderoch in Grave + Jack-a-Bolan and any handtraps or zombies in grave is usually enough to survive against lower-power decks.
Dark World Dealings and Twin Twisters help us get Zombies in grave while giving us benificial effects.
Tatsunecro is arguably better than Samurai Skull but I left it in the side because Samurai Skull gets access to Zombie World or literally any low-level zombie we want in grave.
Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon is just a fun addition
Costly Upgrades:
Kashtira Fenrir instead of Ghost Lancer for the free Special Summon + another copy of itself in hand.
Evenly Matched for an easier time going second
Forbidden Droplett or Imperm instead of Chalice to deal with boss monsters.
Accesscode Talker for an easier finish.
Nibiru the Primal Being
This deck is a lot of fun in a casual setting but isn't super consistent and loses pretty hard to hand loops, bystials, and handtraps so use with caution :)