A budget dragonmaid deck designed to be played with the minimum number of URs outside of what you get from the Dragon Maid structure. Numeron Dragon gives you a way to get a really big guy on the field to OTK but he's easily the most skippable UR in the list since you need two lvl 8s already to even summon him and if you have that there's a decent chance you're ahead enough to win anyway. If you don't have enough SR dust for the non-engine, you can replace either the droll and lock birds or the evenly matches with Lost Wind.
The main thing you want to do with this deck is stick Sheou on the board. If you can get a revive off of Sheou that usually generates enough advantage to beat rogue decks.
Some basic combos:
If you have Chamber Dragonmaid and Parlor Dragonmaid: Normal Summon Dragonmaid Chamber > Chamber search Dragonmaid Hospitality > Hospitality summon Parlor > Parlor send Changeover if you have a level 5 or higher dragon in hand or Tidying if you don't.
If you sent changeover, return chamber to hand and fusion summon Sheou, then in the next standby phase bring back Chamber and search Hospitality again. If you sent Tidying, you want to link off Chamber and Parlor for Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres (which you will use next turn to summon chamber and search hospitality, so you can revive a guy and search the fusion spell on turn 3)
Parlor Dragonmaid and no big dragons: Normal Parlor > Send Dragonmaid Tidying > Link Summon Pisty > banish tidying to summon parlor > summon Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres
Chamber + no big dragons: Normal Chamber > search hospitality > Summon Pisty > hospitality special chamber > Summon Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres
if you have a big dragon in hand, you can search or send Changeover to summon Sheou turn 1, otherwise you'll have to wait for your second turn to get her out and rely on Hieratic Seal to carry you to turn 3. Going second you can get her out a little easier since hospitality bins your big dragons, allowing you to revive them in battle and summon Sheou in main 2.
Sheou is really good, you live or die based on whether or not you can get Sheou on the field. Kitchen kinda sucks but we need to play her just to have enough names. Nurse is good if you already have stuff in grave, so not super great turn 1, but potentially good turn 2 or 3