This is a budget Dragon Link deck with a few pricey cards. You can cut down quick launch and another Absorouter to help with cost, replacing them with cheap handtraps. As for additional dragon extenders there aren't many other budget ones left. You can add one more Levianeer but he can be a bricky card at more than 1 copy.
The deck functions as normal dragon link does, Seyfert, Black Metal Dragon, and any of the rokkets serve as your starters, the rest of the monsters are just extenders to try and make borrelend + a level 8 synchro, good hands can end on Borrelend + Hieratic Seal + Level 8 Synchro.
I'd recommend keeping Borreload Savage Dragon in even though he's like, the cost of the rest of the deck, he really is worth the price. But you can cut him if you feel you really HAVE to, but there really aren't other good Level 8 Dragon Synchros to go into, obviously specific card type that leads you to Abyss which is STILL one of the best omni negates in the game and is super cheap, so it's worth the inclusion. Beelz is a fine wall to sit behin but with all the banishing going around he can get taken care of quickly. But decks that rely on non targetting destruction or going into accesscode to beat over destruction immunity can't do that to him so that's cool.
Draco Berserker can be troublesome depending on when you can make him thanks to the Pisty lock, but he's definitely the best budget dark level 8 synchro if you can't climb off Beelz into Abyss. Final Sigma is just there for fun, but hey, this deck can totally make him.