Appliancer can spew out monsters, especially with Machine Duplication allowing you to go into Laundry Dragon, Celoptus, and Dryer Drake/Vacculephant which sets up a board for Laundry Dragon to burn your opponent for large damage. You can also go into Borrelsword right away, or Knightmare Phoenix / Linkuriboh if you need to. You can start setting up ABC now, getting the field spell out is very important. ABC needs a few turns, and Appliancer can stay alive for a turn or two generally with Laundry Dragon spam. Storming Mirror Force and Quaking Mirror Force can actually put a large wrench in opponent's plans as these are non-targeting. We also have a Magic Cylinder, and it works pretty well. Because this back is pretty backrow heavy, we play triple Waking the Dragon to catch a Harpie's Feather Duster or any sort of spell/trap removal as it allows us to go into Ultimate Falcon which can often be GG. I run two ABC Dragon Busters beacuse I am limited in the extra deck, and we can go into two sometimes. Appliancer Reuse is like a monster reborn and helps us go into our Lanudry Dragon play again. Appliancer Electrilyical World makes the Appliancer plays a lot more consistent, but the real star here is triple Union Hangar as it is crucial for ABC and beacuse of that we also run 1 Terraforming.
As for my side deck, Lancea is pretty standard, counters Dino, Pankratops is self explanatory, dirt cheap, Kaijus help for something like a boosted Dragoon that not even Ultimate Falcon can beat, Effect Veiler is here because we don't have the budget for Ash Blossom or even Droll or Ghost Ogre. Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon is a huge easy to summon beatstick with ABC, but this can be swapped out for whatever you like. 2 Cosmic Cyclone for extra removal, 3 Solemn Warnings because we're on a tight budget, and 1 Red Lotus. The side deck is up to you, as it can really just depend on what you want to counter, or what sees a lot of play at your Locals.
Overall a really fun to play deck, I know it's not very competitve, but it really can put in some work (I've gotten Borrelsword + 2 ABC out before quite a few times in testing, and you could even get a Raidraptor out) and it's dirt cheap. (would be even cheaper before YT videos got made on Appliancer) I hope you enjoyed this deck list.