This is a theory deck consisting of traptrix monsters and the branded archetype (using 3x traptrix and 2x albaz strike). The goal of this deck is to set up a double masquerade and use the traptrix archetype to control the board, most notably by using the gravedigger's traphole. It is essentially a burn deck that has potential to also use the ED traptrix cards to hole recover traps and spells. Staysailor Romarin acts as a foolish burial for the plant traptrix monsters and as a light target for fusion. I admit that this is NOT a consistent deck, but I am inspired by the dogmatika variant of the deck and I am experimenting with the branded despia deck that I have already owned.
The side deck isn't for siding on the 2nd or 3rd play, but rather as optional choices to include in this deck. Afterall, it is an experimental deck. I have yet to see someone with a similar idea to mine when it comes to forming a burn deck.