Basically what the name implies, make mirrorjade in P.U.N.K. for some good interaction on opponents turn. Made this as a joke, works suprisingly well. Essentially, you do your mainline P.U.N.K. combo, make the fusion, tribute it, make Dragon Dive, bring back a level 3 tuner with Dear Note, search Psychic Tracker off Dragon Dive, summon tracker, synchro for muddy mudragon, then fuse muddragon and dragon dive for mirrorjade. This can be done with just zeamin and a card to discaard for foxy tune, so you also have any extenders or room for handtraps ot back it up.
Additionally, after you banish with Mirrojade, since its an 8, you can synchro with a Shurakusai, which ought to be easy to also set up, for amazing dragon, then bounce for 4, then during end phase set banishment, then during your turn bring back mirrorjade and either stick with mirrorjade or fuse for dragostopelia or something. Retribution is just there in case you draw into banishment and need another search target, or vice versa.
I would experiment with the albion search targets or the banishment targets, though I warn against taking up too much MD space. Additionally, with one or two extra extenders, you can also end on PEP like usual, so the board can be rather sticky.