Branded. This deck has existed for a long while now and, with the new list released, could be top dog. While Superheavy and Purrely got shot at the back of the shed and Kash got hit a little, Branded only had Expulsion banned and (while very very deserved) still allows branded to do everything it wants to do, except Nightmare lock the opponent.. most of the time.
For a big big problem with Branded, as it's become more and more of a Highlander deck (this build has 15 one ofs!) over time, it has consistency issues. You can brick, you will brick and sometimes that's how it is. However, bricks are still quite rare due to the miriad of tools the deck has! Gold Sarcophagus and Foolish Burial are both ways to dump Despian Tragedy which lead to Aluber the Boober of Doober, Fusion Deployment is both a way to get into Albaz and fuse away an opponents monster for one of your own or is a way to get to Blazing Cartesia, the Virtuous to fuse without Branded Fusion! Branded in High Spirits, though a 1 of, is a way to get to Cartesia while dumping Rindbrumm the Striking Dragon or Albion the Branded Dragon to set up for next turn.
About the Gimmick Puppet Nightmare lock.. While Branded Expulsion was THE way to get to it easily and with minimal investment, Albion the Sanctifire Dragon can also set up the lock, It means you would have to send Nightmare via Branded Fusion and then get to Sanctifire through Cartesia and voila! Your opponent no longer has fun.
For side deck choices, Kashtira Fenrir is there as card's 14 and 15, I really couldn't think of 2 other cards to add and Fenrir is just a good option.
Super Poly has less utility in this format than ever with every top deck not adhearing to either Garura, Wings of Resonant Life or Mudragon of the Swamp's summoning condition. However, it has utility against Mathmech (still a strong deck, 1 Mathmech Circular does not kill this deck in the slightest) and Super Poly has utility against Kash in exactly 1 scenario, if your opponent has Kashtira Shangri-Ira and Kashtira Riseheart, you can Super Poly into Mudragon!
Mischief of the Gnomes is, in my opinion, really strong right now. Spright looks like the best thing to do with Runick not called Fur Hire after Naturia Sacred Tree got hit to 1 and Kash really really REALLY needs level 7's on the field to do anything not called Donner, Dagger Fur Hire pass. Furthermore, Mathmech want to have 2 level 4's to go into Primathmech Alembertian to extend. This does not stop Mathmech Superfactorial however, so don't try it for that.
Crossout Designator is literally Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring hate. This deck cannot function properly without Branded Fusion resolving and Ash Blossom works under Branded Lost because Ash does not negate the activation, it negates the effect!
Welp, this is all I had for this deck profile, PLUG TIME! Follow me on Twitter for more decklists like this, with a lot less detail mind you @ EvZaeYGO