Braded Despia decklist with some minor adjusments
3x Sky striker multirole is there to protect mainly your Branded Fusion but it comes in handy with other stuff too
1x Quem becouse it's searchable through Opening and mostly feels really bad to draw her,since you would mainly prefer to start with Aluber
Dramaturge bcs noone ever expects it :)
I cut out few of the main deck Abions,simply bcs even tho High Spirits line is really good,it way too greedy,and you already play a decent amount of dragon monsters
Extra deck is pretty much standard
As for the side:
2x Kurikara to break the stationary boards such as manadium,and its really good into the snake eyes matchup
Shaddoll Dragon agains floodgate heavy decks and backrow,you can just send it off of Branded Fusion
Bunch of backrow hate,cut that's what kills this deck
Droll bcs u kinda have to,lots of deck that just loose to droll this format and also most decks that this deck has bad matchup against looses to droll
And one of each "Floodgate traps" simpy bcs they are searchable from TT Thrust,so you techinaclly play 4 of each
As for the reasons:
D Barrier-lots of Synchro and Fusion decks loose to it immidietly
Simul Archfiend-Tenpai matchup bcs they can do Princess raging Phineix OTK through D Barrier
DD Grounds Snake Eyes just Diest from it same as Evenly if they dont make S:P