Playing Brigrand in the extra deck is useful to search Mercourier when you already have Branded in Red in hand and it's less useful to send Albion from the Mirrorjade effect.
Triple Tactics Talen was a last minute inclusion that won me at least three games, definitely a good card to have.
Only 3 Ash Blossom for hand traps (besides Mercourier) was good. Using Ash to stop Fateful Adventure or Branded Fusion is great. Side deck has more matchup-specific handtraps but there's not much room for siding. Usually it makes sense to replace Ash with a more specific hand trap like token collector. Some other cards to consider when siding are the third Albaz, Albion, Mercourier, and triple tactics.
Mystic Mine and Anti-Spell Fragrance are the biggest issues for the deck. Going forward I want to at least main deck one backrow removal card for Mine and consider blind siding in backrow removal to hedge my odds against losing to a random D. Barrier or ASF.