The main idea going first is to end with mirrorjade and branded in red face down so that you can go into guardian chimera on your opponents turn as a form of disruption. You accomplish this by getting to mirror jade with 1 extra body on the board as a target for mirrorjade to banish by sending an extra deck monster to the graveyard. You will send albion the branded dragon so that you will be able to set your branded in red at the end phase and have it live on your opponents turn. When you use branded fusion going first you're always going to want to send despian tragedy to search the ad libitum of despia because using him as material from your hand when making the chimera allows you to Immediately special summon the mirrorjade back to your side of the field with its banish effect live again.
The frighfur package helps you get materials in your hand for guardian chimera as well as possibly being bait for an ash blossom.
The light hex sealed fusion allows access to dragoon and can also be used as a third copy of Fallen of albaz in a pinch.
The hand traps that hurt the deck the most are played as crossout designator targets at 2x.
The side deck mostly consists of blowout cards for going second with the inclusion of a small zombie world package. You can send Necroworld banshee off of branded fusion to access your zombie world and you can then use super polymerization to make dragonecro nethersoul dragon using your opponents monsters as material.