Branded Bystial Despia deck for post PHHY format
I´ll try to explain the main, extra and side decks as clearly as possible. Feel free to discuss or express your opinion on the comments below
Despia package
3x Aluber the Jester of Despia
Due to the new and upcoming (CYAC) support, the current deck build plays differently than the original. The endboard is no longer set Branded in Red with Ad Libitium in hand or GY, therefore, addding more despia names than necesary can led to subpar hands. Altough the Chimera play (pop 1-2 on field, draw 1-2) is strong, commiting to it forces the deck into a linear, well known, predictable play that lacks potential compared with newer combo lines. Therefore, we only play Aluber, as it´s the main deck sercher and play enabler. An argument can be made to ad 1 Despia Tragedy with Ad Libitum, but I think that the deck has better combo lines as of right now.
Fallen of Albaz package
2x Cartesia
Engine requierement. Two are played to avoid an accidental banish by Kashtira (Diablosis the Mind Hacker). Can be cut to 1 but it can be banished more easily, disabling Granguignol and forcing the deck into subpar combo lines
2x Fallen of Albaz
Engine requirement. Two is the minimun number needed to play. Can be bumped to 3 for its super poly effect when going second, but fusion deployment provides more versatility in that regard.
2x Mercourier
Material requirement for Rindbrumm, and in archetype handtrap (monster effect negate) when you control a fusion monster that mentions "Fallen of Albaz" as material. Hard drawing it, alongside a Bystial, ensures your main combo is protected against Nibiru (you need to summon Rindbrumm from Branded Fusion first).
1x Shrouded Dragon)
Searchable Draw power. Always send Branded Retribution to ensure recursion of your spell/traps
Bystial package
We run a reduced number of Bystial monster due to the expected reduced number of Tearlaments decks. Altough the number can be further reduced, its not recommended as the Bystial are engine requirements in this version of the deck (specially Saronir).
3x Bystial Lubellion
Bystial searcher and combo enabler. Can be reduced to two, but the stronger hands come from hard drawing this monster alongside Aluber/Branded Fusion.
3x Bystial Magnamhut
End phase searcher for any dragon on the deck. Can add Bystial Baldrake or Saronir for additional interruption on your opponent turn.
3x Bystial Saronir
The best Bystial for this deck, the spell/trap pitch effect is extremely handy for this deck, as it allows to search any spell when used in conjunction with a Branded retribution on grave. Can be cut to 2, as Bystial Lubellion act as additional copies.
1x Bystial Baldrake
Searchable interruption. We dont run Driuswurm as I belive is the least synergetic bystial, as we don´t have a reliable way to send it to the graveyard unless you are using it as fusion material. Baldrake can banish any extra Deck monster, an interruption I believe is stronger that Driuswurm pop.
Branded Spell/Traps
3x Branded Opening/ 3x Branded Fusion
Standard ratios. Opening to search Branded Fusion (or Lost). Branded Fusion so that your opponent cries about how broken is fusion summoning from the deck (it isn´t) when your resolve it.
1x Branded in Red/White, 1x Branded Lost, 1x Branded Beast, 1x Branded Retibution
Only one Branded in Red as it is searchable. Branded in White is part of the new combo line. Lost allows for your fusion summons to be uninterrupted, while Branded Beast is a serchable disruption. The traps are hard bricks when drawn, so it´s my recommendation to go over 40 to reduce the chances of that happening (but not by much. 45 is the maximun I would recommend for this deck).
Potential aditional spells/Traps that don´t make the cut in my proposed list
Branded Regained: I believe it´s a "win more" card. It doesn´t give consistency to the deck when going first, it´s a brick most of the times going second due to the reduced number of Bystials, and Lost and Beast are better targets to set directly from the deck by Lubellion effect.
Branded Banishment: Can be added as either a replacement of Red or 1x Bystial Saronir. If you don´t care of going over 43, it can be added without modifying the ratios (just expect it to see it occasionally on your opening hands). I believe that right now you either run Branded in Red or Branded Banishment, not both (specially if you don´t run Chimera)
Utility Cards
3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring and 3x Infinite Impermanence
Handtraps of choice and Crossout Designator targets, as I believe are the most impactful handtraps for PHHY format.
3x Crossout Designator
Allows the deck to get the edge in the mirror match and avoid the Ash on Branded Fusion (This version lacks the Patchwork engine, therefore Ash Blossom acts as a hard counter). Protects Cartesia and Aluber from Infinite Impermanence. De to Triple Tactics Thrust, I believe Effect Veiler will see reduced usage in this format (I could be wrong).
3x Fusion Deployment
Special summons either Cartesia or Albaz, helping when going second for Albaz Super Poly effect and summoning Cartesia whithout needing Albaz on grave.
Standard Branded Despia Extra Deck. New cards are Rindbrumm and Granguignol the Dusk Dragon. Rindbrumm is an extra deck monster negate that bounces a card from either field, while Ganguignol summons a Despia extra deck monster or a dogmatika main deck monster when you oponent special summons a monster by an activated monster effect (i.e., a special summon by it´s own effect). I choose to not play super poly, therefore extra deck space is not as thight.
Tech Choices
Despian Proskenion: Granguignol special summon effect target. Summon it when you need a big beatstick or your opponent has a useful extra deck monster on the grave. Against non-fusion decks, Despia Quaeritis is usually a better target
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life: Granguignol send target for when you don´t need to send Albion the Branded Dragon
Predaplant Dragostapelia: For recycling a fusion with Lubellion the Searing Dragon
Baronne de Fleur: Personal tech choice for simplified game states (easily made by Cartesia+ 1 Bystial). Can definitively be cut for something else.
Personal choice depending on the meta where you play. Kashtira and Floowandereeze are the deck hardest matchups, so make sure your side deck helps against them
Recommended cards:
Kashtira: Kurikara Divincarnate, Nibiru, the Primal Being, Book of Eclipse, Sphere Mode/Lava Golem (no normal summon after use)
Floowandereeze: Super Polymerization (Garua is the main target), Zombie World, Spell/Trap destruction
Spright: Dark Ruler no More, Kurikara Divincarnate
Tearlaments: Bystials, Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion, Evenly Matched
Mirror Match: Super Polymerization, Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion (stops Branded in Red/Banishment when Lost is not on the field). Crossout Designator, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring.
Triple Tactis Talent is a good card for either side or main deck.
Opening Hand: Branded Fusion, 1 Bystial (Except Bystial Lubellion)
1.Activate Branded Fusion, send Mercourier and Fallen of Albaz, summon Rindbrumm
2.Activate Bystial Saronir, Banish Mercourier, Summon Bystial. Mercourier search Cartesia
3.Special Summon Cartesia, fuse with Bystial or a monster in hand to summon Granguignol
Now, the combo branches depending on the cards on hand and the material used for the summon of Granguignol
4.1.If Cartesia fused with a Bystial (Saronir):
Cl1 Granguignol send Albion the Shrouded, Cl2 send Branded retribution, then, when the chain resolves, activate Albion effect on Gy and send branded in white. Then, add White to you hand with retribution effect.
5.1.Use Branded in white. Fuse with Albaz in grave and Granguignol on field, banishing Albaz and sending Granguignol to Gy. Summon Mirrorjade
6.1. Cl1 Activate Mirrorjade effect, send Brigrand as cost, Cl1 negate with Rindbrumm. Chain resolves, Mirrorjade is negated, allowing us to use the effect on the next turn, and Brigrand will search Mercourier on the end phase.
7.1. End Phase. Cartesia to hand, Mercourier to hand. Endboard ends on a non target Banish (Mirrorjade), 1x monster negate (Mercourier), 1x Extra deck monster negate (Rindbrumm), summon disruption (Granguignol summons Proskenion or Quaeritis to the field).
4.2.If Cartesia fused with a dark/light monster
Granguignol Trigger efect sends Albion the Branded Dragon
5.2. End Phase. Cartesia to Hand, set Branded In Red (Target will be Albaz). Endboard ends on 1x extra deck monster negate (Rindbrumm), 1x summon disruption (Proskenion or Quaeritis from Granguignol), 1x Fusion disruption (Branded in Red into Lubellion-Mirrorjade, Masquerade, depending of monsters on hand)
The previous sample combo is the minimun power board you can make with only branded fusion and a bystial name. Aditional cards on hand (Aluber, Mercourier, Bystial Lubellion, Lost) allows for the combo to be extendend and end on aditional disruptions. I recommend to to try the deck irl or on a simulator in order to get familiarized with the main lines of play.