Born out of an idea to use Despian Quaeritis effect which changes the attack of monsters on the field except lvl 8 or higher fusions to 0. Why go through that trouble of making Quaeritis just for this effect?...well thats where the reptiliannes come in.
Reptilianne Echidna can add reptile monsters from the deck up to the number of monsters on the opponent's field to zero. Reptilianne Vaskii can tribute summon off the opponent's monsters with 0 attack.
Also adding the alien monsters from the deck like Alien Overlord , assuming you have "A" counters on the field, could help you extend into Cosmic Slicer Zer'oll for locking your opponent's monsters from activating their effects if they have "A" counters.
This deck is great for going second and although you could be locked into only special summoning either reptiles or fusion mosters. With the main win conditions around the branded / despian fusions or the alien/ reptiliannes, i believe this deck has potential.
Huge shout-out to th3realone for inspiring me to play reptiles and i must add also that this is a theory-based deck that has only been tested in Dueling Nexus ( I also understand that there could be much better cards or ideas surrounding this playstyle and i would appreciate it greatly if those ideas and play experiences with the deck could be shared in the comments. Thank you.