Okayy I'll try keep this one shorter than my last deck.. and yes I'm using Comic Sans again :)
SO this deck is a whole bunch of fun, I must admit the idea of using Zoodiacs was not mine, although I cannot remember who I stole it from.. XD
Anyway,, the goal of this deck is simply to simply mill your opponent's whole deck. You probably won't be able to deplete their life points, so this is really the only win condition
Main Strategy: -Getting 3 bone towers is relatively easy, just special summon one and then use your Inferno Reckless Summon to pull out all 3. Sometimes you won't be able to summon all 3, or you may not need all 3, however the more you have, the more cards you can mill. -Next up, you need a Chakanine. It requires 2 level 4 monsters, which is easy to achieve with the Uni Zombie card. (Don't be afraid to use a tower as material if needed. You can mill 12 cards per tower with this chain, so do the math and find out how many you need to win.) -Finally we have Zombie World. Now, ZW can sometimes be a pain to get out, however cards such as Necroworld Banshee and Terraforming should make it easier if you don't draw it :). Zombie World is arguably the most important card in this combo, without it, the Zoodiacs won't count as zombie types, and therefore will not trigger bone tower. Protect it as well as you can. After you pull off this and mill 12-36 cards of your opponent's deck, simply use your leftover Zoodiac and a tower to summon Vampire Sucker to mill another 4, and use Sucker's effect for yet another 4 cards, bringing the total number of cards milled to 44 (with 3 towers)
Side Strategy:
- If for some reason your Zoodiacs get stopped, there are other cards that could help mill a few more cards and earn that sweet victory :) - You can suicide your pyramid turtles (with bone tower on the field) in order to special another turtle from the deck, rinse and repeat 3 times to mill 6-18 cards. If done strategically, you can use the last turtle to pull out a Solitaire, who then sacrifices itself and specials yet another zombie. Use this to summon Uni Zombie, and hey presto, you have a gateway to another zombie, just use uni to grave a Mezuki, and then use Mezuki's effect.
All in all, this seems pretty good, there are many ways to special summon zombie monsters, but unfortunately I cannot go over them all :P
A few things to note before I go: - PSY-Framelord Omega, Burial from a Different Dimension, and Leviair the Sea Dragon's effect allows you to recycle Mezuki over and over, use it wisely :) - There is a smaller Utopia XYZ chain in the extra deck for incase the Zoodiacs fail. It is not as big but works well in a pinch. - A Mechquipped Angineer summoned in attack position can protect you for 2 turns if you need to stall. - Minerva the Exalted Lightsworn is able to mill 3 cards from your own deck. This can be favourable in some cases, but be wary that spells and traps are at risk too. - If your oponent has a 40+ card deck, choose to go second. Let your opponent play their turn, shorten their deck and make your job a little easier. If they have a 40 card deck then it doesn't matter so much since they'll only have 35 cards left for you to mill, perfect for an OTK with the right hand
And yeah, that's about it :) If I come across any issues or updates to the deck I'll be sure to edit this post or even create a new one :P
Again, feel free to message my discord (Katsuki#8104) with any questions or suggestions, or just comment on the post (I check in on this site every few days, so Discord would be much faster if that's what you're after)
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