Main Level Monsters:4,8;
Main Summons:
Hand and Graveyard ||
Extra Summons: Fusion, Xyz and Link.
Key cards:
Aleister the Invoker,
The Melody of Awakening Dragon.
Tier Meta: Rogue
Difficulty to use: 2/5

Normal Summon
Aleister the Invoker and search
Invocation, link summon
Salamangreat Almiraj and then
Secure Gardna.
Invocation to summon
Invoked Mechaba.
Special summon
Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon, activate
Return of the Dragon Lords to Sp Summon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon then
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Ex Dragon and active it effect detaching the Cipher Dragon
The Deck:
The Blue-Eyes Invoked Deck is not bad, maybe it can still be fixed a little bit but it already has good stability. Thanks to the Invoked engine and the access to ranks 8 by Blue-eyes cards we find ourselves a nice control deck but also aggro.
The Cards:
Final Board:
Invoked Mechaba we always manage to summon him, besides him it would be great to be able to summon
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Ex Dragon, if we have
Galaxy Soldier in hand we can opt to summon
Cyber Dragon Infinity.
The side deck is mainly focused on 3 things.
In the first case we have simple cards that are the substitute for others, such like
Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy.
In the second we have cards useful against other decks or generic staples, like
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay.
And in the third and last we have,
Super Polymerization with and attached cards.

Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay is great side card 'cause it's a dragon monster target of
Return of the Dragon Lords and allows you to draw 1 or more cards and is can be used at the end of the board as an extra negation.
Harpie's Feather Duster excellent card that cleans us the magic and traps section.
Triple Tactics Talents can be the replacement for
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit or
Effect Veiler and it's very useful to draw 2 which in this deck is worth a lot, since we need cards in hand, or discard a card in the opponent's hand.
True King of all Calamities is too strong a card not to be played, it's not very easy to summon and that's why I keep it sideways.