IMO the strongest possible deck using fusion and the Blue-Eyes package.
Summon maiden with eyes of blue, activate sage with eyes of blue -> two blue eyes on the field (for an XYZ)
Dragon shrine-> mill a dragon spirit of white (counts as a normal monster so you get another discard)
-> Then mill either: white stone of legend (summon a blue-eyes in your END phase)
OR a Kidmodo dragon (skip your BATTLE phase but special summon a dragon from your hand).
Future fusion:
Reveal "Five-headed dragon" to mill 5 different dragons (more dragons in your GY are preferred for Dragon Mirror, also lets you activate GY effects).
Dragon mirror should be used for a Blue-Eyes ultimate dragon based on situation (2 available):
-Alternative ultimate dragon: Lets you destroy 3 enemy cards if you used an alternative blue eyes as material
-Neo alternative ultimate dragon: Lets you attack 3 times with 4500 atk if this is the only card you control
XYZ guide:
Nr 97 Draglubion can SS any of the other "number" monsters with 1 material (giving you two dragon XYZ monsters for the price of one). This is generally the best XYZ play. The best choice for each situation is:
-Nr 100: Numeron Dragon- Will have at least 9000 attack, and 8000 more if you have any XYZ dragons other than Nr 97 out. Pick this if enemy has allowed an OTK state.
-Nr 38: Hope Harbringer- Negate 1 spell/trap
-Nr 107: Galaxy-Eyes- Change all monsters to their original atk/def
-Nr C107- Tribute 2 monsters to be able to attack 3 enemy monsters (the least useful effect- 4500 atk beatstick)
The other XYZ dragons should be used situationally, eg "Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis" can be used to blow up backrow
NOTE: Thunder End Dragon can only use 2 normal dragons as material (must be Blue-Eyes white dragon)
This deck can grind, using Deep-Eyes to remove enemy monsters and Dragon Spirit to banish spells/traps.
The overall power-level of this deck is tied to the power level of the fusion cards. If you want to take the focus away from fusion (and make this deck more competitive), cut future-fusion for imperm. This deck is not meta, but it is very consistent and fun to play.