I have updated this deck, once again. I've tried to focus the strategy of the deck more around getting both
Blue-Eyes White Dragon and
Dark Magician as fast and as efficient as possible either on the field or in the hand to fuse them. That is why I've cut out major fusion cards to make room for cards like
One for One,
Fortune Fairy Hakari and
Dark Renewal to get more use out of
Maiden with Eyes of Blue. Also I have replaced
Dimension Guardian with
Safe Zone, which is more of a personal choice, because both cards work the same way.
*I accidently deleted my detailed description about specific cards in this deck and why I use them ... so if you have any questions or suggestions about the deck please comment! Have a good day!*
This is my second Version of mixing my favourite Monsters
Blue-Eyes White Dragon and
Dark Magician together. This Version does not feature any Ritual Monster. If you want to see a deck profile which incorporates both Blue-eyes and DM Ritual Monsters you can check out my first Version of this deck "Blue-eyes Dark Magician"
Blue-eyes white Dragon' and '
Dark Magician' have always been one of my favourite Monsters in this game and I've always wanted to build a deck which incorporates both Monsters. I have already managed to build a deck like that, which is by no means competetive but it can be quite fun and even strong in casual play.
The strategy hasn't really changed all that much from my first deck. The main goal is still to summon
Dark Magician the Dragon Knight as fast as possible. Allthough he is not very easy to summon, once on the field he can protect all of your Spell and Trap-cards, like
Dark Magical Circle or
Eternal Soul. If you want to make your board with him even stronger you could side in
Dimension Guardian(which can be protected from him aswell) and equip it to him so he can't be destroyed by battle or card effect. Once you have him on your board you don't have to worry about cards like
Twin Twisters,
Knightmare Phoenix or other annyoing cards. Also if your opponent wants to get rid of your Spells and Traps they need to deal with a 3000 ATK Monster first which may give you the advantage.
This deck will probably not win you any tournaments but I think it is really fun to play and acutually viable against certain match-ups. It's just so satisfying to swarm your board with 'Blue-eyes-' and 'Dark Magician-' Monsters and if you're lucky you can make pretty insane boards which can be annoying to deal with. I recommend you try it out yourself or give me some tips or suggestions on what I can improve. Please leave a comment, I would like to hear your thouhgts and opinions.
I think that I have improved this deck idea once again by removing all the ritual monsters. Yes, I know this deck is supposed to be for fun and all the cool and strong Ritual monsters are not in here, but in my opinion this deck turned out to be quite strong. Yes, against certain match ups that use a lot of handtraps and negating this deck can be shut down easily if you negate all my core cards like Eternal, Circle, Rod etc.
Regardless if you play against people who don't come at you with unbreakable first turn boards that feature tons of negates you actually stand a good chance and you can really do cool things with this deck.
I, personally love it.