2024-04-28 20:45:00
+ 1One for One+ 1Firewall Dragon+ 1Mystical Space Typhoon+ 1Infinite Impermanence+ 1First of the Dragons+ 1Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon+ 1Negate Attack+ 2Burst Stream of Destruction+ 1Firewall eXceed Dragon+ 1Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon+ 1Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon+ 1Kidmodo Dragon+ 1Priestess with Eyes of Blue+ 1Kunai with Chain+ 1Trade-In+ 1Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon+ 1Dragon Shrine+ 1Neutron Blast+ 1Mirror Force+ 1Worldsea Dragon Zealantis+ 3Dragon Spirit of White+ 1Master with Eyes of Blue+ 1The Melody of Awakening Dragon+ 1Beacon of White+ 1Torrential Tribute+ 1Number 100: Numeron Dragon+ 1Guardragon Agarpain+ 1Lightning Vortex+ 1The White Stone of Ancients+ 2Ultimate Fusion+ 1Muckraker From the Underworld+ 1Protector with Eyes of Blue+ 1Fusion Substitute+ 1Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation+ 1King of the Swamp+ 3The White Stone of Legend+ 1Borrelsword Dragon+ 3Maiden with Eyes of Blue+ 1Sauravis, Dragon Sage of the Voiceless Voice+ 3Blue-Eyes White Dragon+ 1Flash Charge Dragon+ 1Call of the Haunted+ 1Grandtusk Dragon+ 1Jar of Avarice
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