Blinding second, Triple Tactics Thrust is basically another copy of Engage! Play with FIVE copies of your most powerful Sky Striker card!
Right now, blind second strategies are in a good position to tackle the meta because of the nerfs to Tearlaments - the only deck that does relatively well vs. boardbreakers. The dominant decks right now are Kashtira and Purrely, both decks that fold to boardwipes, Nibiru, and freely trigger Triple Tactics Thrust. Thrust searches the out for each of these decks, and you're free to go off with Sky Striker's unparalelled grindgame and boardbreaking potential!
After the gamestate has been simplified, this is where Sky Strikers come in! in addition to having enough main deck space to fit in the mandatory "Maxx C" package (9 cards), the strategy can also comfortably fit powerspells like Lightning Storm, Dark Ruler No More, Raigeki and Triple Tactics Talent! The Sky Striker engine also has cards that excel at cracking boards like Widow Anchor and Afterburners.
The time-tested strategy with blind second Sky Strikers is to destroy most if not all of your opponent's resources that they slap down on the board going first, and then close out the match with Sky Striker's grind game. This is done by setting up multi-role and if you cannot, you prioritize getting Engage! from deck and using it as much as possible especially with it's extra +1 draw.
The current meta allows for Lightning Storm and Raigeki to obliterate most duelist's boards this format since they generally spend all their resources building their "unbreakable" board only to fall to 1-2 cards. For example, you can bait out your opponent's singular S/T negate (Like Spright Carrot/Baronne) with Afterburners then obliterate everything afterwards with Raigeki! If that's not enough, Raye and friends can clear the board very well during the battle phase and with Zeke's banish.
If your weakened opponent hasn't surrendered yet due to the sheer resource advantage and offensive pressure this deck generates, you can clear the board with a plethora of cards including Linkage, allowing Raye to OTK all by herself!
This Sky Striker list is an updated version of my earlier Sky Striker decks, specifically for the October 2023 Masterduel metagame.
Remember, RAYE IS BAE!!!
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!