Masterduel's current meta is made up of the booooooooring combo piles that take 10 minute turns to poop out all their resources in their hand, deck and extra deck into the board and GY to create a nigh-invincible castle of multi-layered negates, pops and interruptions.
Evenly Matched? ✔️ Lightning Storm? ✔️ Raigeki? ✔️ Harpie's Feather Duster? ✔️ Triple Tactics Talent? ✔️ Sky Striker Arsenal? ✔️
In the hands of an inexperienced duelist, Sky Striker is fragile and it's often hardpressed to catch up to the speed of combo decks like White Forest, Fiendsmith, Yubel and Snake-Eye, so it's definitely up the skill of the individual pilot to bring out the full potential of Raye! Sky Striker is the ultimate challenge for duelists looking for a deck that is hard to master but it handsomely rewards skill and experience. The idea behind Blind Second Sky Strikers is to wipe out most if not all of your opponent's resources that they slap down on the board going first, and then close out the match with Sky Striker's grind game. Everyone in the opponent on ladder is slapping down their entire extra deck and main deck and hand into the board going first and you'll just wipe all that away with your ~20ish boardbreakers!
To end off, I'd like to quote the words of a legendary duelist and #2 Sky Striker fan (I'm #1 lol): "Oh my Gosh, yes. I love Raye. I would die for Sky Striker Ace Raye. This support card is going to change my life and it's going to be the best card ever." ~ Joshua Schmidt
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
GLHF Duelists!