Hey everyone, Archfiend Guy here with a new Archfiend deck and this one uses the new and upcoming Berserk Archfiend! Berserk is a great card because it makes Pandemonium much more relevant, netting you extra searches, disruptions and a win condition with its ATK boost. The other win condition of the deck is to summon Chaos Archfiend to smack everything the opponent controls.
Turn one optimal disruptions:
- Chaos Archfiend into a Chaos Angel banish
- Fiendish Golem recurring banish
- Simul Archfiends for a D Barrier-esque lock
- Archfiend's Ghastly Glitch (pick this or Simul)
- Escape of the Unchained for a pop
- Wave High King Caesar for the double negate
4 card combo - Archfiend General, Unchained Twins Aruha, Berserk Archfiend, Abominable Chamber of the Unchained
- Set Chamber, pop with Aruha, Summon Sarama
- Activate Beserk Archfiend, target Aruha, Summon
- Aruha Summons Shyama from the deck
- Activate Archfiend General, search Pandemonium
- Activate Pandemonium
- Activate Sarama, set Chamber, pop Berserk
- Activate Pandemonium, search Archfiend Cavalry
- Link both Unchained into King Yama
- Search for Sharvara
- Normal Summon Cavalry
- Activate Sharvara, pop Yama, Summon
- Activate Shyama from GY, pop Cavalry
- Chain Link 1 Yama, CL2 Cavalry, CL3 Pandemonium
- Pandemonium searches Archfiend Heiress, Cavalry revives Archfiend General, Yama summons Cavalry
- Pop Cavalry off of Yama, CL1 Cavalry (revive Berserk Archfiend), CL2 Pandemonium (search Archfiend Heiress)
- Activate Shyama, target Berserk Archfiend, activate Pandemonium, search Bone Archfiend
- Link Sharvara + General into Muckraker
- Activate Sharvara, set Escape of the Unchained
- Activate Muckraker, target Sharvara, discard Heiress, revive
- Activate Heiress, search Simul Archfiends
- XYZ Shyama + Sharvara into Caesar
- Activate Bone Archfiend, remove Pandemonium or just discard, Summmon
- Activate Bone Archfiend's effect, target itself, send Vision Resonator (increase level)
- Vision Resonator, search Crimson Gaia, Crimson Gaia search Fiendish Golem
- Disruptions: Fiendish Golem, Escape, Caesar, Simul
3.5 card combo - Visas Samsara, Archfiend General, Unchained Twins Aruha
- Summon Visas Samsara, link into Light Heart
- Activate Light Heart, search Reichphobia
- Activate Reichphobia, search Reicheart
- Activate Reicheart, search Scareclaw Arrival
- Activate Arrival, revive Samsara
- Synchro into Chaos Archfiend
- Activate Archfiend General, search Pandemonium
- Activate Pandemonium
- Banish Reicheart + Samsara for Vicious Astraloud
- Activate Astraloud, pop Chaos Archfiend
- Activate Pandemonium, search Bone Archfiend
- Link Astraloud + Light Heart into Muckraker
- Activate Bone Archfiend, discard, Summon
- Activate Bone Archfiend, send Vision Resonator, search Crimson Gaia (activate), add Fiendish Golem
- Activate Aruha, target Bone Archfiend
- Activate Pandemonium, search Heiress
- Activate Muckraker, summon Chaos Archfiend, discard Heiress
- Activate Heiress, search Simul Archfiends
- Disruptions: Chaos Archfiend into Angel banish, Fiendish Golem, Simul Archfiends
2 card combo - Visas Samsara
- Summon Visas Samsara, link into Light Heart
- Activate Light Heart, search Reichphobia
- Activate Reichphobia, search Reicheart
- Activate Reicheart, search Scareclaw Arrival
- Activate Arrival, revive Samsara
- Synchro into Chaos Archfiend
- Activate Archfiend General, search Pandemonium
- Activate Pandemonium
- Banish Reicheart + Samsara for Vicious Astraloud
- Activate Astraloud, pop Chaos Archfiend
- Activate Pandemonium, search Heiress
- Link away Light Heart + Astraloud into Muckraker
- Activate Muckraker, revive Chaos Archfiend, discard Heiress
- Heiress search Simul Archfiends
- Disruptions: Chaos Archfiend into Angel banish + Simul
Visas Samsara = 1 card combo into Chaos Archfiend
Incredible Ecclesia: Branded in High Spirits discards for effect, so grants us Heiress searches. We mainly use this to search out a level 4 light tuner for Chaos Archfiend. Fallen of Albaz is also a nice board breaker. Mirrorjade discarding Rindbrumm also fully sets up Chaos Archfiend the next turn (revive Fallen of Albaz, recycle Ecclesia).
You can easily remove the Ecclesia package if you want to go more pure. You can put in Archfiend's Roars, more Glitches, Falling Downs, Dark Spirits, take your pick!
Have fun :)