Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon's incredible new support has come out in the TCG with Maze of the Masters and in Masterduel with Ultimate Sparkle, so I thought I would come up with a article on our favourite space-borne dragons! The new support for the strategy enables 1-card combos with Schwarzchild Infinity Dragon which is effectively full combo since it enables a summon of a rank 8 monster (with a XYZ dragon lock) without using up your normal summon! This card is effectively at 12 copies in the deck with maxxed out copies of Seyfert, Seventh Ascension, and the new Schwarzchild Infinity and Seventh Tachyon cards! Not only that, the generic rank 8 "Divine Golden Shadow Dragon Dragluxion" adds any Tachyon or Galaxy card from deck on-summon! This enables Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon to pack 18 non-engine slots (21 if you include the Horus cards) making it capable of going 1st or second in Masterduel's cutthroat competitive ladder with handtraps/defensive staples!
This insane consistency boost allows Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon to play to it's strengths, spamming its unique and insanely powerful countertrap "Tachyon Transmigration" and wielding ridiculously high attack stats (for ex. Draglubion with 17000ATK!)
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon is composed of 3 archetypes which all lead to basically the same endboard. The deck is also consistent enough to maindeck 18 staples!
The GALAXY-EYES TACHYON is composed of 23 cards. While it is two archetypes, they basically mesh together to form a singular cohesive strategy. The Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon deck core is composed of x3 Seyfert (deck's main normal summon), x2 Tachyon Cloudragon (the "poplar" of the deck), x1 Spiral Galaxy Dragon, x2 Dark End Evaporation Dragon, x3 Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal, x3 Schwarzschild Infinity Dragon (the main 1-card starter), x3 Seventh Ascension, x3 Seventh Tachyon and x3 Tachyon Transmigration.
BYSTIAL cards count as handtraps and extenders for the strategy, and it also serves as good handtrap bait and breaks boards fairly easily since they're big beatsticks. It is composed of x1 Lubellion, x1 Magnamhut and x1 Druiswurm.
This decklist has 15 STAPLE cards, thanks to the consistency upgrades the new Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon support cards offer. The handtraps amount to 12 in this deck and they are x3 Ash Blossom, x2 Imperm, x1 Nibiru, x1 Droll, x2 Maxx "C", and x3 Fuwalos. The last three staples are defensive cards, which are x2 Called By and x1 Crossout.
I chose to run maximum copies of Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal rather than the usual 1-2 copies since it searches for Tachyon Transmigration, this deck's win condition. It's summon effect is a quick effect, so it can be used during your opponent's turn so you can play through Maxx C and Fuwalos! Not only that, it's an extender, so it's perfect for playing through interruption. The deck is 42 cards, so there is less chance of drawing into garnets like Galactic Spiral Dragon and Cloudragon.
Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon has a relatively simple and straightforward gameplan - get two level 8 monsters in the field, then summon XYZ summon the new support Divine Golden Shadow Dragon Dragluxion to further your plays. The endboard generally ends on Hope Harbinger's spell negate and the infamous ace-card of Tachyon Transmigration in-hand! If there are extenders, then the endboard may even have additional interaction like Photon Galaxy Lord's monster negate.
Here is the standard 1-card opening combo for Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon:
Schwarzschild Infinity Dragon = Tachyon Transmigration in-hand (Countertrap handtrap omni-negate) and Number 38: Hope Harbinger (spell negate).
Activate Schwarzschild Infinity Dragon and summon itself and Spiral Galaxy Dragon from deck.
- XYZ summon Divine Golden Shadow Dragon Dragluxion.
- On-summon, Dragluxion searches for Tachyon Cloudragon.
- Cloudragon activates its effect to summon itself from hand when added from deck to hand.
- Activate Dragluxion's effect detaching two materials to summon Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon from Extra deck and attach Galaxy Satellite Dragon to it.
- Tribute Cloudragon to summon Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal from deck.
- On-summon, Primal adds from deck Tachyon Transmigration.
- Summon Spiral Galaxy Dragon from the GY.
- XYZ summon Draglubion using Primal and Spiral Galaxy.
- Activate Draglubion's effect detaching Spiral Galaxy Dragon to summon Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy.
If you have extenders, you can search for additional copies of Tachyon Transmigration for more omni-negates since it isn't once per turn! This deck also has a lot of gas, so it can power through interruption. Remember, two level 8s = full combo since you can summon Dragluxion!
Going second, you can summon Numeron Dragon and ONE SHOT KILL 17000ATK! Here is the basic combo:
Two level 8s = 17000ATK OTK!
- XYZ summon Divine Golden Shadow Dragon Dragluxion using two level 8 monsters.
- On-summon, Dragluxion searches for Tachyon Cloudragon.
- Cloudragon activates its effect to summon itself from hand when added from deck to hand.
- Activate Dragluxion's effect detaching two materials to summon Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon from Extra deck and attach Galaxy Satellite Dragon to it.
- Tribute Cloudragon to summon Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal from deck.
- On-summon, Primal adds from deck Tachyon Transmigration.
- Summon Spiral Galaxy Dragon from the GY.
- XYZ summon Draglubion using Primal and Spiral Galaxy.
- Activate Draglubion's effect detaching Spiral Galaxy Dragon to summon Numeron Dragon.
- Detach 1 material from Numeron Dragon to make it 17000 ATK.
If your opponent was silly enough to leave even a 8000ATK monster on the field in attack position, you'd STILL OTK through it!
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
Kite and Mizar's Galaxy-Eyes cards certainly received a massive glow-up with their new support from Ultimate Sparkle and Maze of the Masters - but the question is, will it succeed in Masterduel ladder?
GLHF Duelists!