Runick's latest and strongest bestie to hang out with is "Chimera," the newest fusion archetype from Duelist Nexus.
Chimera is an incredible advantage engine capable of overwhelming your opponent with so much resources, interactions and draw power - represented in a fusion deck! For example, one Mirror Swordknight is a whopping +7 in card advantage!
Combined with Runick, another amazing advantage engine, you get an extremely competent meta strategy that will quickly outpace your opponents! Piloted correctly and skillfully, Chimera Runick will win you games vs. the top decks of the metagame!
This deck may be straightforward, but it rewards good decision making since boards and gamestates are determined by the pilot's skill and resource management. If you're a player who likes a resource-based control-focused grindgame, Runick Chimera is the deck for you.
As the name implied, Runick Chimera is composed of the two archetypes. The deck also has one supporting engine, the Frightfur Patchwork Engine.
CHIMERA creates is a simple and solid gameplan in itself with it's boss monster - Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts. While it is on the field, it's name is "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast." In the GY, Mirror Swordknight and Cornfield Coatl (sent to the GY as part of the combo) offer some targeting protection (Coatl) and monster effect negation (Swordknight). Berfomet and Gazelle nab resources from deck when summoned and used as fusion material. The deck's fusion card, Chimera Fusion, recurs itself from the GY if Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast is on the field or GY (which is always the case). Everything in this archetype grabs resources and recurs itself in this deck so you can keep fusion summoning and interrupting your opponent! When your opponent is out of resources, Chimera can wait one turn on a full board to OTK your opponent - the only Runick variant easily able to do so.
RUNICK offers the main win condition of this deck by banishing your opponent's deck. It also can summon a level 2 to start off your Spright combo in the form of Runick Hugin while simultanously searching for Runick Fountain, allowing you to draw up to three cards. Runick spells also break opponent's boards fairly well when played correctly in tandem with the other archetypes. Runick offers has solid defensive, with Hugin protecting against destruction effects while Geri dissuades the opponent from attacking. The new Fusion monster from DUNE in the Runick arsenal, Sleipnir functions as both a resource generator and almost like a "Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer/Little Night) banishing an opponent's monster once per turn, which is an excellent defensive and offensive card. Chimera makes great use of the tokens it generates as additional fusion material. Sleipnir and Geri are also beasts, which coincidentally fulfills the fusion requirements for Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts.
The FRIGHTFUR patchwork engine is an excellent addition that synergizes perfectly with this deck. Edge Imp Chain is also a fiend, which coincidentally fulfills the fusion requirements for Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts
The strategy of Chimera Runick is to control/banish your opponent's cards until they surrender or deck-out. In certain situations, you can also enter the battle phase and begin taking apart your opponent's board with Chimera fusion monsters and the new Generaider from DUNE, Sleipnir. The ridiculous resource advantage and control options each archetype gives the duelist should win them the duel in most circumstances.
The Chimera engine provides incredible advantage through just one Mirror Swordknight. It is a net +7 after playing on your own turn and your opponent's turn! After concluding the comboline this engine usually does, you'll have Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts on the field, with Mirror Swordknight on the field ready to tribute itself on your opponent's draw phase for more searches. Here is the combo:
1 Mirror Swordknight = Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts on field with Mirror Swordknight (monster negate), Cornfield Coatl (targeting negate + destroy), plenty of resources to follow-up for next turn, Set Chimera Fusion (Mostly to summon Guardian Chimera on Opponent's Main Phase).
1. Normal summon Mirror Swordknight.
2. Tribute Mirror Swordknight and summon from deck Big-Winged Berfomet.
3. Berfomet's effect activates on-summon, searching Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws and Chimera Fusion from deck.
4. Activate Chimera Fusion to fusion summon Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts using Big-Winged Berfomet + Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws.
5. CL1 Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws to add an illusion monster from deck, CL2 Big-Winged Berfomet to summon Mirror Swordknight from GY, CL3 Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts to send a random card from your opponent's hand in the endphase.
6. Recover from GY Chimera Fusion.
7. Endphase - resolve Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts effect to end a random card from your opponent's hand.
8. During Opponent's Draw Phase - Tribute Mirror Swordknight to summon Big-Winged Berfometfrom deck,searching Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws and Chimera Fusion.
9. During Opponent's Main Phase, activate Chimera Fusion to summon Guardian Chimera for more draws + pops.
Depending on going first or second, you can alter the combo to your liking and to access your fusion toolbox. For example, Magnum the Reliever can destroy card on the field and also recycle a fusion/polymerization for a draw.
With the unique control each archetype offers and the draw 3-10+ every turn, your opponent should wither away while you snowball card advantage to victory.