It's amazing how Batteryman has some of the most busted cards in Edison architype-wise, but no one cares because the card pool for them is so bad. Battery Charger is literally just a Monster Reborn for the low price of 500 LP, Industral Strength can pop monsters + backrow with a single banish, Short Circuit is a full opponent-only board wipe, Battery Pack is Call of the Haunted x2 etc etc. If any other deck had these (think Blackwing/Frog) they'd be broken. In here? Barely enough to make it playable lol
So yeah, this architype is not great in Edison. They haven't yet got that future support that'll make them a underrated FTK powerhouse with the right draws, so instead this functions more as a deck that uses them rather than a Batteryman deck, if that makes any sense. The deck can still pull out wins with the DandyQuickdraw engine splashing in well with the similarly well leveled Battery cards and helps to make better use of the milling that this deck needs in order to make Industral active.