First things first, i slightly edited a deck made by Winter_Killz so like and subscribe to him
I like the look of mermails and is a cool combo deck
I will write some of the combos that are in the video but you can find them at 40:51 in the video
Combo 1:Diva+Field spell
- Normal diva, special prince from deck
- Prince eff, send dragoons to search dragoons
- dragoons eff search minstrel
- minstrel eff, discard it and dragoons to rip 1
- dragoons eff search lappis
- lappis eff to summon
- activate the field spell, stack prince
- make the marincess link with diva and prince, summon minstrel with the links eff
- minstrel eff, mill 3, put back diva
- prince eff to summon dragoons from GY
- Make Prima Donna with dragoons and minstrel
- field spell eff to banish a low impact card from their hand
- prima eff, give the opponent a low impact card back to summon artisan from deck
- artisan eff, mill 1 to summon dragoons from grave
- Make Dragite with artisan and prima
- prima eff, shuffle the opponents banished card
- make halq with lappis and anemone
- Halq eff to summon minstrel or diva if no minstrels are in deck
- use the field spell to change minstrel or diva level to 4
- make bahamut with dragoon and minstrel(diva) make toad
Combo 2:Diva+Field Spell+ Abyssteus
- Normal diva, special prince from deck
- Prince eff, send dragoons to search dragoons
- dragoons eff search minstrel
- minstrel eff, discard it and dragoons to rip 1
- dragoons eff search prince
- Abyssteus eff discard prince to sp summon
- Abyssteus effect to search Abyssgunde
- Activate field spell, stack dragoons
- Make anemone with abyssteus and diva
- anemone eff to summon minstrel
- minstrel eff to mill 3
- dragoons eff to search lappis
- lappis eff to summon itself
- make prima with dragoons and minstrel
- field spell eff to banish a low impact card from their hand
- prima eff, give the opponent a low impact card back to summon swap frog from deck
- swap frog eff to send swap frog
- add back swap frog
- discard gunde w swap frog to sp summon
- gunde eff to sp Abyssteus from GY
- Swap frog eff to send ronintoadin
- Use prima donna and prince for dragite
- Field spell eff, make lappis level 7
- overlay Abyssteus and lappis for Abyssgaios
- ronintoadin eff, banish swap frog to sp summon
- make toadally awesome
Nibiru-proof Combo:Abyssteus+dragoons
- Abyssteus eff, discard dragoons, sp summon
- teus eff, search Abysspike
- Dragoons eff to search prince
- Normal Abysspike
- Pike eff, discard prince to search Abyssgunde
- price eff to summon dragoons
- overlap pike and dragoons for bahamut
- Bahamut eff summoning toad as the fifth summon by detaching dragoons
- dragoons eff search lappis
- lappis eff to special summon
- make anemone w teus and bahamut
- anemone eff to summon prince from GY
- Prince eff, send dragoons, search dragoons
- dragoons eff to search abyssmegalo
- discard gunde and dragoons to summon Abyssmegalo
- sp summon pike w gundes eff, search infantry with dragoons eff, earch the equip with megalos eff
- make halq w lappis and anemone
- halq eff to summon fishborg
- make dragite w fishborg and abyssmegalo
- make the mermail link 2 and equip it with the equip spell which can negate dark ruler, forbidden droplet, and super poly
Drop a like. more combos are in the video above including the moulinglacea combo