Ashened Volcanic Snake-Eye
Deck Primer
I feel like once a year, I get this HUGE burst of inspiration that lets me cook up something that's just incredible and somehow can play against meta decks, and better yet, something NO-ONE expects to see. First was Phantasm Spiral (a really scuffed list lmao) then P.U.N.K. Fur Hire in 2022 (my third best work), Mannadium Tearlaments in 2023 (my SECOND best work) and now this. Ashened. Volcanic. Snake-Eye. All in one deck.
This, right here, is my BEST work yet. This can take on even the top decks if you master it, and is STILL a fun deck to play, with A LOT of different combo lines. I'm going to give you an overview of each card in the deck, some combos I've come up with, tips to play it, and what the deck really struggles against. Strap in, because this is a VERY LENGTHY guide. At over 4500 words, this is by far the most detailed guide I've ever made for a deck. Lets get into it, and start making 'Pompeii 2 - Electric Boogaloo' a reality, shall we?
==Overview of the Cards==
==Ashened Cards==
Obsidim, The Ashened City
Ashened rely quite heavily on their field spell. Every Ashened monster in your deck can summon themself from your hand if you control Obsidim. You can also use Veidos's effect in hand to give Veidos to your opponent, destroy Obsidim, then summon Priestess with Obsidim's effect if you don't already have Priestess in hand or on field (if you do, any level 4 Ashened monster works). Since it makes all your opponent's monsters Pyro on your turn only, you can fuse their whole field away with Ashened to Endlessness on your turn. In the End Phase, you can also use it's effect to put another copy of itself in your GY on the bottom of the deck, then draw a card.
Extinguishing the Ashened
This card is what usually gets you Veidos, as it sends a level 5 or higher DARK Pyro from your Deck to your GY, however it CAN be hit with Ash Blossom. You can also Fusion Summon by banishing it from your GY, and use monsters from your hand or field as material. However, take note that this card DOES lock you into only Pyro monsters from the Extra Deck after you use the first effect, so try to save it until the end of your combo, after you've hopefully gone full Snake-Eye combo and popped off with Volcanic.
Awakening of Veidos
Now yes, this isn't an Ashened card, but it does support the deck, so I'm including it here. This can also get you Obsidim, and can even get you Veidos or one of the high level Ashened monsters if you're going second and your opponent has a field spell active. This card has the same drawback as Extinguishing, but you are also locked into only summoning Pyros from the Deck, too (not like it really matters, you won't be summoning Diabellstar from the deck anyway).
Veidos, The Eruption Dragon of Extinction
This card is very important to the deck, as it allows you to destroy your own (or your opponent's) field spell while also setting an Ashened Continuous Trap from your deck. If Veidos goes to the GY from your opponent's field, you can essentially turn it into a board nuke, and destroy all monsters on the field. However this can ONLY happen if it goes to YOUR GY from your OPPONENT'S field. The Quick Effect is really nice, honestly, only downside is that it's during the Main Phase only.
Priestess of the Ashened City
Priestess is the searcher for Ashened. She can Special Summon herself if you have Obsidim on the field (I won't mention this for the rest of the Ashened monsters, because they can all do this), she can add ANY Ashened card from your Deck except herself, which means she can search Obsidim. She's also a level 4, meaning you can XYZ Summon Banshee using her and another level 4 monster, which there's enough of in this deck.
Shaman of the Ashened City
OMG TITTIES YESSSSS - oh sorry I was busy admiring those large boobas of Priestess and Shaman.
Anyways, Shaman can shuffle 3 Pyros that are banished or in your GY into your Deck, then you can add an Obsidim if you shuffled an Ashened monster with that effect. Pretty simple, and doesn't come up much, but can be helpful occasionally.
Spearhead of the Ashened City
This guy's just here so he can be a level 4 to make Banshee or to Link Summon one of the many link monsters you have. The bounce effect basically never comes up but it CAN be relevant sometimes. But you should really be using this to make Banshee or to Link Summon instead.
Hero of the Ashened City
Hero can destroy a Pyro monster on the field with it's quick effect in the Main Phase, and if it destroys Veidos with this, you can place an Obsidim from your Deck in your field spell zone. Not bad, but you should try to save this for your opponent's turn so you can nuke the field with Veidos's effect if you need to use it at all.
King of the Ashened City
King allows you to Special Summon any Ashened monster from your hand (this is generally useless because most of the time you'll already have Obsidim on the field). However if you give your opponent Veidos on turn 1, and manage to get out King, you can instead Special Summon any Ashened monster from your deck since your opponent controls a monster with 2800 ATK or more. Do what you will with this information >:)
Ashened to Endlessness
This trap (which you will usually set from Veidos) lets you Fusion Summon on your opponent's turn by using Veidos as a material from your opponent's field (this allows you to use Veidos's effect to nuke, which you should, because the monster you'll usually summon is immune to being destroyed by card effects). On your turn, this is insane, because you can just fuse away most if not ALL of your opponent's field and just go for game with the Veidos fusion monster. The 500 ATK boost for every material you use is a really nice bonus too, because you'll always get at least 1500 extra ATK on the Veidos fusion if you summon it this way. This card can also make all your monsters your opponent currently controls Pyro, until the end of the turn. The only downside to this is that the Fusion Summon effect is Main Phase only, and you can't use materials in hand. Still a GREAT card to fuck your opponent's board up, though.
Ashened for Eternity
This trap lets you get Veidos or an Ashened monster from your GY back to your hand. Most of the time you'll set Endlessness instead of this, but if you can get both set then you'll have solid backrow (this won't always happen though). It also lets you steal your Veidos from your opponent then reduce their monster's ATK by 2800 until the end of the turn. Not a bad card but Endlessness is better.
==Volcanic Cards==
Volcanic Emperor
The Volcanic boss monster. Easy summoning condition, just banish 3 Pyros from your field or GY or a Blaze Accelerator card, and BAM. 3100 ATK monster, that will usually burn your opponent for at least 1500, and set a Volcanic Trap from your deck. On top of that, burning your opponent for 500 every time they Special Summon? HOLY SHIT this thing is amazing. This burn stacks too, so... you know where I'm going with this >:)
Volcanic Trooper
The main searcher of the deck, you'll usually add Volcanic Blaze Accelerator or Rocket with the summon effect. The bomb token effect is good, especially if you can discard Rimfire or Shell to use their GY effects. You can even use it to Link Summon Almiraj if you Normal Summoned it. Sadly it isn't level 4 but this next monster is. :)
Volcanic Rocket
A non once per turn search for a Blaze Accelerator card? Yep. Level 4? Yep. Even a decent beater in dire situations? Yep. This card is insane. You can use it to make Banshee, since it's a level 4. You can use it to search Volcanic Blaze Accelerator. There's so many things this card is good for in this deck.
Volcanic Rimfire and Volcanic Shell
There two are under the same heading because they're similar (they both have GY effects). When Rimfire is sent to the GY by any means, you can banish it to send any Volcanic monster from your Deck to the GY (usually Emperor). You can also use Rimfire to banish a Blaze Accelerator card from your GY or face-up field to place a Blaze Accelerator continuous spell/trap on your field. Neither of these effects banish for cost, so they can be hit with Ghost Belle or Called By.
Volcanic Shell, at the cost of 500 LP, can search you another copy of itself while in your GY. That's all it does. But this is VERY useful, as it can let you extend further into your combos. Oh, and did I mention this effect is SOFT once per turn? Yeah... you can extend pretty far with three of these in your deck if you play right.
Blaze Accelerator
This card will NEVER come up, it's only real use is to be sent to the GY to activate its Volcanic counterpart. If you're REALLY desperate you can use it, but I would just use it for its better Volcanic counterpart.
Volcanic Blaze Accelerator
This card is just stupidly good. You have to send your one-of Blaze Accelerator to the GY, but an extra Special Summon of a Volcanic from your hand, AND a way to destroy the bomb tokens you'll probably be giving your opponent? Jesus this this is insane. You can Special Summon a Volcanic from hand so you can save your Normal Summon for your Snake-Eye combo or Ashened combo, too. :)
Volcanic Blaze Accelerator
You could play this with three Scattershots, but I don't have room (literally) for the Scattershots. The GY effect can be helpful to send a Rimfire, Shell, or Emperor from your Deck to the GY, but aside from that, the mulligan on field effect isn't bad either, but I've never had to use it for that.
Volcanic Emission and Volcanic Inferno
Most of the time you'll probably be setting one of these two cards off of Emperor's effect. Emission lets you either Special Summon a Volcanic monster from your Deck and return it to your hand in the End Phase, or burn your opponent for the ATK of one Pyro monster on the field (if you do this it will usually be Veidos). If you burn using a Pyro monster you control, the damage inflicted is halved, so try to use it if your opponent has Veidos. Both effects of this card are good, and it's what you'll usually set first off of Emperor.
Inferno is a negate and burn for 500 if your opponent activates a monster effect on the field, at the cost of banishing a Pyro from your GY. If the banished monster was a Volcanic monster, then you can also negate the effect (it burns for 500 by default). The recycle effect in your opponent's end phase is also nice too, as you can keep going in those longer, grindier games.
==Snake-Eye Cards==
Snake-Eye Ash (or SnAsh)
The main starter for your Snake-Eye combo. Be careful since this card is limited to 1, if your opponent hits it with a handtrap and can't stop it, then you might be locked out of your Snake-Eye engine. But this card is insane, that's why they limited it to 1, alongside Poplar. The summon effect lets you add a Snake-Eye monster from your deck to your hand, which will usually be Poplar. You can also use it's other effect to send itself and another face-up card you control (usually Poplar or another Pyro monster) to the GY from the field in order to Special Summon Flamberge from your deck.
Snake-Eye Poplar
If Poplar is added to your hand by any means EXCEPT drawing it, you can Special Summon it. On summon, you can add a Snake-Eye Spell/Trap from your deck to your hand. This will usually be the Snake-Eye field spell, but in some cases you might want to get Original Sinful Spoils instead. Even better, if Poplar goes to the GY from any means, you can place a FIRE monster from your GY in your Spell/Trap (I'll refer to them as S/T from now on) zone as a Continuous Spell. This card is just as good, if not BETTER than SnAsh is, hence why it's also limited.
Snake-Eye Oak
Oak can summon a Level 1 FIRE monster from your GY or banished zone to your field or add it to your hand when it's Normal or Special Summoned. It also shares the same effect as SnAsh, allowing you to summon a Snake-Eye monster from your Deck by sending 2 face-up cards you control to the GY including itself. Overall a great card.
Snake-Eye Diabellstar
Mommy? sorry, Mommy? sorry, Mommy? sorry - oh I got distracted again, sorry.
If she's treated as a Continuous Spell, you can place a FIRE monster from your GY as another Continuos Spell, then Special Summon her from your backrow (yes, for those of you who don't know, this is Snake-Eye's archetypal gimmick - being Continuous Spells. Hmm, reminds me of another deck with Crystals...). The effect on field doesn't come up much, but it can sometimes, when it does it's useful. :)
Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon
This card is so stupid, I genuinely think it's banworthy. Until, or IF that happens, we cooking with it. Flamberge is what you'll usually summon off of SnAsh or Oak's second effects. It allows you to place ANY monster in the GY face up in the owner's S/T zone as a Continuous Spell, but also lets you Special Summon a monster treated as a Continuous Spell, but ONLY on your opponent's turn. Now here's the effect why I think Flamberge is ban-worthy (but screw my opinions, they aren't important lol). When Flamberge is sent from the hand or field to the GY, you can Special Summon ANY 2 Level 1 FIRE monsters from your GY. They don't even have to be Snake-Eye monsters, which means you can summon the VOLCANIC Level 1's with this.
Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye
This card will let you, on activation, place a Snake-Eye monster from your deck in your S/T zone as a Continuous Spell. It also boosts your Level 1 FIRE monster's ATK by 1100. AND it lets you Special Summon ANY monster treated as a Continuous Spell when your opponent Normal or Special Summons a monster. This card is goated, no wonder it's banned in the OCG.
Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye (OSS)
This card, right here, is what lets SO many decks with Level 1 FIRE monsters be playable right now. This deck is no exception, with TWO targets (Rimfire and Shell) in addition to your Snake-Eye Level 1's. By sending another face-up card you control to the GY, you get partial access to your Volcanic engine. What the hell. Oh, and it can also add a Level 1 FIRE monster by banishing itself from your GY, then targeting a Snake-Eye or Diabellstar monster in your GY to place on the bottom of the deck. However, you can ONLY use ONE effect of this card per turn, and if you're like me, you'll never use the GY effect, and in some games that might come back to bite you.
Diabellstar the Black Witch
OH SHIT, sorry guys, you saw nothing, move along please ;)
Yes I'm down so fucking bad for her, how could I not be? With that huge rack of hers, those wide, child-bearing hips and - SHIT I'M GETTING DISTRACTED AGAIN - uhm...
Diabellstar is a staple in 99% of Decks that can run OSS and have an OSS target. Most of the time you'll be searching her with 'Wanted: Seeker of Sinful Spoils' in the Draw Phase to avoid Droll. Rimfire, Emperor, and Shell are utterly AMAZING cards to send to the GY to summon her, and with her effect on summon you'll usually set OSS from the Deck. But yeah, she's an amazing card to have in basically every deck these days.
I bet she'd be amazing in bed too... DAMN IT STOP BEING SO HORNY
Wanted: Seeker of Sinful Spoils
You'll be adding Diabellstar with this, but if you open her instead of this then its fine. However if you are out of plays you can banish this from your GY after you've also used OSS on field, sent OSS to the GY (without using it's effect on field), or after you've used the GY effect of OSS. This will place the OSS on the bottom of the deck and draw 1.
=Other Staples==
This searches any starter for any of the three archetypes you're playing in this deck. This card is insane. Enough said. :)
One for One
This can start your Snake-Eye combo off, and if you can send Rimfire, Emperor, or Shell to the GY for cost, it's even better. You can even summon Rimfire or Shell if you're desperate or want to screw with your opponent a little. :)
God this is already 2800 words long and I haven't even gotten to the Extra Deck yet. What the fuck dude.
==The Extra Deck==
Embers of the Ashened
You'll usually summon this with the GY effect of Extinguishing, using any 2 Pyro monsters. It allows you to recycle Obsidim or Divine Temple, which is a plus. It's also good if you can make it going second since it can destroy one of your opponent's Pyro monsters if it battles, and on your turn it can attack again if you do this. Not terrible, and can help you win some games, but the recycle effect is great.
Veidos, the Dragon of Endless Darkness
Now THIS is a fucking awesome boss monster. You'll usually make this with the effect of Endlessness, using Veidos from your opponent's field and 2 or more Pyros monsters on the field (possibly using a bomb token you gave your opponent with a Volcanic monster as one material, too). In combination with regular Veidos, this can potentially wipe your opponent's whole board (regular Veidos is all monsters on the field, and this Veidos is your opponent's S/T cards). However, this card CANNOT be destroyed by card effects, meaning Veidos's nuke effect does nothing to it. If you use Endlessness to summon this, it'll have at minimum 4500 ATK. I've actually been able to get this to 7000 ATK and just straight up won the game because of it the ATK boost. Oh, on top of that, it also has an effect where when your opponent activates a card or effect on the field, you can destroy that card. I LOVE this thing as a boss monster.
Infernal Flame Banshee
If you are able to make Banshee, she'll allow you to access to the last (or one of) the engines in your deck you haven't started using yet. She can add ANY Pyro monster or send ANY Pyro monster from your Deck to the GY. You need Emperor in your GY? Banshee can make that happen. You need Poplar to start Snake-Eye'ing all over your opponent? She's got that covered, too. You need an Ashened monster to extend your plays? Yep. God she's such a good card.
She's made out of fire, so I wonder what it'd be like if I couldn't get burned so I we could fu - NO, NO MORE HORNY. STOP.
Back to the important stuff - you can actually banish her to summon Emperor, and then summon her back to use as material for more combos. Insane synergy.
Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale (Whale), Salamangreat Raging Phoenix (Raging), and Worldsea Dragon Zealantis (Zealantis)
These are the extra deck monsters you want to try end your turn with on the board. If you can end your turn with Whale and Zealantis on the board, with a Raging in the GY, you're set and you'll be pretty resilient to having your board broken, too.
Whale is mainly a big beater to have, but the effect on destruction can get back any Link-3 or lower monster from the GY (usually Promethean). Plus the OTHER GY effect is nice too, to destroy a card on the field if a Link-3 or lower monster is destroyed by battle or card effect while Whale's in your GY.
You'll usually use Raging to make Zealantis, but you also use Whale to do so as well if you need to. Raging's GY effect is insane, letting you summon it from the GY if a FIRE monster you control is destroyed by battle or card effect, then you can give Raging extra ATK equal to what was destroyed (which is permanent).
Zealantis can let you break your opponent's board and/or trigger some of your monster effects on your opponent's turn, by re-Special Summoning them from the banished zone after you use Zealantis to nuke the board.
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy and Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
You can use ANY Ashened monster or Diabellstar to make Dharc and ANY Snake-Eye or Volcanic monster to make Hiita, and steal a monster with the corresponding attribute from your opponent's GY to keep cooking (e.g. Hiita can steal Ash Blossom from your opponent's GY and you can use that to keep comboing). Plus their effects on destruction are nice too. Dharc can actually search Veidos with his GY effect, so that's a REALLY nice touch, too.
Oh I also want Hiita to squish me between her thighs~
I:P Masquerena and S:P Little Knight
I want these two in a three-way so fucking badly- *Sigh*. You know what, I'm not even going to try and stop myself anymore.
I:P can go into Promethean or any Link-2 or higher Link monster, and give it protection from being destroyed by card effects. Plus she has really big and soft titties~. She can even make S:P if you really need to.
S:P is stupidly OP. You can make her with Anima, Almiraj or any other Extra Deck monster and you got yourself a free banish. You can even use that effect to banish your OWN Pyro monsters, to let Emperor's burn effect hit just that little bit harder. Plus the banish 2 monsters effect is also insane.
Her boobs look just as soft as I:P's do~
Promethean Princess
Ah, one of my beloved FIRE waifus~
She can summon ANY FIRE monster back from your GY (usually you'll get Flamberge back if you play the deck right and you don't get handtrapped / you play through handtraps) Oh, she also needs ANY two or more effect monsters to summon, so that's a bonus. She does lock you into FIRE monsters while she's on the field, but you can just make Raging or Blowhale with her and then you're not locked any more. Her GY effect to reborn herself and destroy a FIRE monster you control and a moster your opponent controls when your opponent Special Summons is great, too.
Relinquished Anima and Salamangreat Almiraj
These two serve the a very similar purpose - to extend your plays or enable more. Almiraj can be used to get Rimfire in the GY if you have to resort to Normal Summoning Rimfire, or it can also be summoned with any of the Level 1 Snake-Eye monsters, Volcanic Trooper or Volcanic Shell (but they have to have been Normal Summoned in order to do this, since Almiraj requires 1 Normal Summoned Monster with 1000 or less ATK).
Anima can be made by using any of the Level 1 Snake-Eye monsters, Rimfire, or Shell. You can use it if you're going second to punish your opponent for summoning a boss monster in a zone Anima will point to, by stealing their monster and equipping it to Anima. Plus you can then use Anima and another monster to make S:P, and get S:P's on summon effect to banish a card on the field or the GY.
First thing's first, this deck CAN brick at times, which sucks. When it doesn't, you'll probably be fine depending on whether your opponent has interruptions or not.
You'll notice in the side deck I'm playing cards which stop banishing (e.g. Lancea, Crossout, and Called By for Shifter). This deck loses HARD to Shifter, Dimensional Fissure, or Macro Cosmos (anything that stops your cards [particularly your monsters] from going to the GY). If your opponent hits you with one or more of these and you don't have an out, you're basically fucked. Lancea DOES stop some of your combos, but for the price of stopping Shifter and COMPLETELY shutting down Ritual Beast, it's 100% worth it.
That said, this deck also stuggles against certain floodgates. Rivalry of Warlords isn't a huge problem for you, but There Can Be Only One (TCBOO) fucks you over so unbelievably hard its unreal. You are able to play under Gozen Match and Anti-Spell Fragrance, but you won't be able to do anywhere near as much as you normally can if either (or both) are on the field.
To counter this, you could replace the one-of handtraps (except Shifter) in the side deck with backrow removal to deal with these floodgates (if your opponent plays these cards, that is).
Droll can also hinder you quite a bit, but you can still end on a moderate endboard even if you do get hit by it.
The Mulcharmy monsters ... yeah I'll be real with you, you basically insta-lose to Purulia and will struggle to play through Fuwalos, but it IS possible to do without giving your opponent much card advantage.
One thing to note is that Veidos actually turns off your opponent's Imperms and the Mulcharmy monsters if you go first and give it to them early (but you might lock youself into Pyros with Extinguishing or Awakening unless you open Veidos and the field spell)
Now since this guide is already over 4200 words long, I'll try to keep this section brief.
I'm not going to give you any specific combos, but I will say, try to save the Ashened engine for last, since Extinguishing and Awakening both lock you into Pyro monsters from the Extra Deck and both Decks, respectively. If I give you even 1 full combo line, this would be at at least 5000 words long, and I doubt most of you will have time to read it.
If you're forced to use your Ashened engine first, you can still possibly make Banshee and access the Volcanic or Snake-Eye engine (if you haven't used Awakening of Veidos, go for Snake-Eye if you're confident you can play it without using the Extra Deck. Otherwise, just go for the Volcanic engine).
In a perfect world, the engine order should be like this:
Snake-Eye -> Volcanic -> Ashened
However this isn't a perfect world so you may only get access to two engines or even one if you're REALLY unlucky. In that case, I'd go:
Snake-Eye -> Volcanic
Volcanic -> Ashened (can be other way around as well, since you may not use the Extra Deck much, if at all)
Snake-Eye -> Ashened
Jesus fucking christ, this is over 4500 words at this point. Guess it goes to show how much I like this deck and how fun and versatile it is, right?
If you actually read everything above, holy shit, you are one dedicated motherfucker. You have my praise :)
I will update this guide with a Youtube Link to a combo video eventually (probably in the coming weeks)
Hope this guide helps you start causing natural disasters and beginning Pompeii 2 - Electric Boogaloo
Oh, and one last thing~
And the walls, kept tumbling down in the city that we looooooooooove
Great clouds roll over the hills, bringing darkness from abooooooooove
*drum fill*
Thank You, everyone, and goodnight.
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