Welp, I'm back at it again with one of my favourite decks/archetypes out there. For those of you who want to have a FUN game of Yu-Gi-Oh, or are broke as fuck like me, welcome back.
Compared to the version I made back in April, this deck has gone through a few alterations now that a couple of cards have come out. For starters, the link engine I ran has changed from Evil Eye to the much better and more versatile Scrap engine. This gives the deck some access to a few level 9 Synchro plays that do see their play from time to time. If you want some level 8s I recommend against it, as you always want to use the scrap engine to get out your Artifact Dagda, otherwise you'll struggle getting enough Artifacts onto the board. I've also replaced the 3 Varja with the much better Beagalltach. This give you much more control over what you want to pop, as we've now geared to a much more trap heavy lineup. Whilst Varja was explosive, I often found myself popping too many of my useful traps, so the change is much more useful with the slightly reduced Artifact lineup. To improve consistency, I've added 3 Pot Of Duality which are very helpful in a starting hand and if you do draw them later, can prove their use when you've Xyz Summoned and are just looking for more plays in the late game. MST has been replaced with the much more useful Heavy Storm Duster. I often found that MST was not giving me enough mileage, as I would have to choose between my opponents backrow or my own Artifacts to trigger. HSD allows you to get more bang for your buck, with both triggering your Artifact effects, but also giving you the option to pop your opponents backrow if need be. The battle phase skip is nothing to worry about, as you'll only every activate it on your opponents turn anyway. I've also rejigged the Artifact lineup slightly, utilising a slightly smaller number and only 1 of the 'other' Artifacts that I deemed useful. I also replaced Fail naught with Mjolnir as it just gives you quicker access to you Artifacts' effects, rather than having to wait a turn to pop them. The lock in to Artifacts is not too bad, as you'll only really be activating it late game to bring back one back. In replace of Breakthrough Skill is the outright denial in Solemn Strike. Hand traps ruin my fun and I'm not having it, no sireee no. The Xyz lineup has also slightly changed, some cards have fallen out, whilst others have come in for reasons you can probably guess.
And there u have it. My pure Artifact deck 2.0 As always, any feedback or tips you guys have is always appreciate, hope you guys enjoyed.