First turn: activate "Hecatrice" hand effect if you don't have "Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen" in your hand, if you have don't activate "Hecatrice" hand effect, activate "Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen" and "Second Coin Toss" if you have "Second Coin Toss" in your hand and "Light Barrier" or "Terraforming" to add "Light Barrier" to your hand if it isn't in your hand. After that use "Cup od Ace" to add to your hand two cards. Now activate "Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen" effect to summon "Arcana Force XXI - The World" and chose heads, now summon one other monster and if you have activate "Arcana Reading" to add "Arcana Force 0 - the Fool" and use "Arcana Reading" graveyard effect to summon "Arcana Force 0 - the fool", now end phase, activate "Arcana Force XXI - The World" effect and tribute two other monsters, and enjoy skipping your opponents turn.