April 9th, the day of Reckoning: I log onto ygopro to look at some cool decks for inspiration. Clicking upon new decks I am confronted with but a wall of IshizuTear/Tearlament/GrassIsTear/Tearlament Shark.
I knew this day was coming. Ever since Martha finally came out for MD I was ready for what was to come. So I made this deck, letting it stew for months. Waiting for Tearlaments, or specifically IshizuTear, to come online.
This deck is absolutely designed for one and only one thing: hating on Tearlaments. It can win against a handful of other decks with careful plays, but you still might lose anyways.
However this deck currently has a 30-1 Win/Lose ratio against Tearlaments, and the 1 loss was a major misplay.
Anyways here's the deal:
I'm going to assume you generally know how to play Exosisters so I'm going to focus on tech notes. However here's a tl;dr:
- Exosisters wants to get rank 4 bodies to go into their xyz plays. Do this using Martha, Stella, or Vadis
- Mikailis banishes key pieces and important bodies while searching for spells (Returnia and Arment)
- Kaspitell searches bodies (usually Stella or Martha) and locks GY summons
- Gibrine gives you lethal and can negate an effect (usually unused)
- Asophiel locks GY activations and bounces targets
- Magnifica, the boss of the archetype is xyz'd off two Rank 4s, attacks twice, can banish, and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) tags out to one of her materials in response to an activation
Since this is majorly a tear-hate deck, your MAIN focus should be Asophiel and Magnifica. Mikailis is extremely strong removal and should be prioritized, but if you ever have to choose between bringing Mikailis and Asophiel on board it should be Asophiel.
Tech Choices
Zoroa / Magistus pieces: Despite the rank 4 exosisters being Warriors, their regular forms actually count as Spellcasters, making them PRIMO targets for Zoroa. Plus, if you desperately need backrow removal, Ninaruru is a free MST. A common play is going into Mikailis/Kaspitell, detaching material, then using Zoroa to recycle that into another Exosis.
D.Shifter / Necrovalley / Terra: Complete lock of the graveyard. Nothing goes in and out if you can. Since IshizuTear doesn't normally have any degree of backrow removal a Necrovalley/D.Shifter drop is often a scoop, if not an instantly won boardstate. This deck also used to run Metaverse but tbh it was too slow. It used to work pre-tear with Secret Valley of the Spellcastees, but those were the before-fore times...
DD.Crow / Called By: Maindeck exosisters have a neat ability to freely xyz summon themselves when an opponent moves a cards out of the graveyard. This is an extremely powerful effect, but usually rarely pulled off due to the reliance on your opponent doing that specific action. MARTHA, however, is special since she can xyz off ANY card being moved out of the graveyard, meaning you can trigger the effect yourself with DD.Crow or Called By, often in RESPONSE to being targeted by an effect. I prefer the 2:2 ratio as it's slightly more versatile, but feel free to mix em up.
Exosister Arment: Prior to Tearlaments I would have NEVER considered using this card. The fact it can only really be used on the opponents turn (unless your opponent had a GY special summoned dude but at that point why didn't your Exo on board xyz off that??) made it too slow to really be useful. However, with tear ready to dump their entire deck into the grave and chain 12 all the effects, you need to be ready to jump the gun and Asophiel the hell out of them. Asophiel locks graveyard effects from triggering PERIOD. This is why I only have one of. I don't want to see it in my hand but I'll happily search it out with Mikailis if I know tear is online.
Bagooska / Zeus: ngl I've never had to use them. Maybe Zeus ONCE but they're mainly insurance I guess if it's literally impossible to bring out the other sisters. I can see maybe DRNM their negate boys, and bringing Asophiel or Kaspitell out but no way to extend... maybe attacking one of their small bodies then Zeus for a board wipe... but in that case I'd maybe rather want Gagaga Cowboy instead of Bagooska.
Use a combination of Asophiel, Necrovalley, and DShifter to lock tearlaments out of the game, all while looking out to Banish the right combo pieces to win.
Asophiel, while extremely important, can only lock the enemy on the turn its xyz summoned. So it HAS to be brought out on the opponents turn in one of four main ways: Magnifica tag out, DD.Crow/Called By with Martha for the free xyz, Returnia chain Vadis, or Arment.