Hi there! In this deck, we will load our cannons with an angel called Tethys. Let's have a look!
1) Bring forth Tethys by replacing Capricious/Aces/Corobane and draw your whole deck...
Whenever you draw a Fairy, reveal it to draw another card with Tethys. You can keep it going until you can't draw anymore.
If you hit non-Fairy, you stop movement. So, continue with Ixchel and alike to trigger Tethys again. Note that "Extra-Foolish Burial" can also let you draw by sending Garura to GY, as long as you don't Set any Spell/Trap by accident.
Know that card draw has to be caused by an effect, not as cost, in order to draw a card with Tethys. For example, using "Upstart Goblin", seen in Side Deck, won't do any help for Tethys but "Into the Void" will. Remember this rule well.
2) When you have drawn your whole deck, Special Summon Nemleria by replacing Tethys. Then, place Pendulum Monsters into Pendulum Zones and Pendulum Summon everything.
3) Activate Galaxy on Nemleria to have more of Level 10 monsters. So, you can XYZ Summon 2 x Gustav Max and fire all cannons. To reset them, play "Ancient Forest" and chain into "Book of Eclipse". Thus, you can fire them again for fatal blow.
If you wonder how to save up some SR and UR points, I can show you:
- "Chicken Game" can be found within "The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!" Secret Pack to save 90 UR!
- "Tokusano Shinkyojin" can be found within "The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!" Secret Pack to save 90 UR!
- "Into The Void" can be found either within "The Infinite Void" or "Life Force Control System" Secret Packs to save 90 SR!
- "Darklord Ixchel" can be found either within "The Opening Act of an Apocalypse" or "Deceitful Wings of Darkness" Secret Packs to save 90 SR!
- "Trickstar Corobane" can be found within "Essence of Flora and Ocean" Secret Pack to save 90 SR!
- "Dreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized" can be found within "Sugar-Suffused Reverie" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Performapal Ladyange" can be found within "The Bizarre Playing Board" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Book of Eclipse" can be found within "Beastly Claws of Terror" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Gustav Max" can be found within "Dreadnought Advance" Secret Pack to save 60 UR!
So, in total, you can save up to 360 SR and 240 UR, if you are willing to spend some gems. Other SR and UR cards I didn't mention are essential.
That's all for this one. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have fun in Master Duel!
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