Due to the fact that 1. i didnt really know what i was doing when building this, and 2. i havent done a detailed explanation in a while, i decided ill being doing a detailed explanation for this deck
Monsters in main deck:
Dm and black dragon: for dragoon
Arlekino: the decks trap based and it ss itself when a trap is activated, and has decent attack
Lancea: with tri brigade rising, we gonna need a counter to stop it, and lancea is the perfect card
Delia: free body and a decent effect
Comica: a free set, and a super good effect
Bufo: pretty bad card, only playing it because of its effect
Ash: do i really have to explain this?
Spells in main deck:
precious park: its decent..... i guess
prospertiy: this deck requires no extra deck besides dragoon so its really just a nice free excavate
REF: for dragoon
Special show: this card isnt a 3 of but if you want you can side another copy of it, its effect just stops a target, which is super good
Time ticket: a really good searcher and a decent other effect
Traps in main deck:
coaster: its not the best but can be decent
horror house: super great card, not much else to say
Merry go round: pretty meh
wonder wheel: pretty good when used properly
Family faces: probaly the best trap in this deck, its super good
Extra deck:
mainly for prosperity but dragoons also there.
TBH this isnt even really a description, just me rating the cards LOL
tips in comments
side decks your choice