Ghost Girl and his altergeist. . That I really do not understand how I never won with this true deck that if, always detested as in all the yugioh the girls are underestimated, as a girl I feel offended but I assure you that I do play the altergeist.
The video is in Spanish, but youtube subtitles are available, it is worth noting is a personal opinion of a boy who made the video, so do not take it very much, I decided to share these decks, because it seemed a very humble and Realistic opinion.
GHOST GIRL Y SU ALTERGEIST. . que de verdad no entiendo como nunca gano con este deck de verdad que si, siempre eh detestado como En todos los yugioh las chicas son subestimadas, como chica me siento Ofendida pero les aseguro que yo Si se jugar el Altergeist.
El video esta en español, pero los subtitulos de youtube estan disponibles, cabe destacar es una Opinion personal de Chico que hizo el video, asi que no te la tomes muy a pecho, yo decidi compartir estos decks, porque me parecio una Muy humilde y realista Opinion.
Main Deck:
Altergeist Kunquery x2
Altergeist Marionetter x3
Altergeist Fijialert x1
Altergeist Multifaker x3
Altergeist Silquitous x3
Altergeist Fifinellag x1
Altergeist Meluseek x3
Altergeist Pookuery x2
Altergeist Pixiel x2
Altergeist Manifestation x3
Altergeist Camouflage x3
Altergeist Haunted Rock x2
Altergeist Protocol x3
Personal Spoofing x3
Altergeist Emulatelf x3
Altergeist Failover x3
Extra Deck:
Altergeist Dragvirion x1
Altergeist Memorygant x2
Altergeist Primebanshee x2
Altergeist Hexstia x2
Altergeist Kidolga x3