This is a fun deck that utilizes all the HERO card types, so about 30-40% time, it kinda bricks. Otherwise, the deck follows the traditional HERO playstyle.
Play Guide
Search out
Vision HERO Faris(via Reinforcements/E-Emergency Call to search out Stratos, which can search any HERO monsters upon being summoned)
Summon Faris, also while dumping a HERO monster(preferably those with graveyard effects, like shadow mist, liquid soldier, etc.) then place a copy of Vision HERO Increase to the field as a continuous trap, release Faris, then summon Vision HERO Vyon, which then allows you to send a HERO monster to the graveyard(perferably shadow mist or Destiny HERO Malicious)(If you dumped shadow mist(provided that Shadow Mist wasn't used before), search Evil HERO Adusted Gold, then search out Dark Calling) then Banish a HERO from the grave to search polymerization, and link the two Vision HEROs for Xtra HERO Infernal Devicer to reveal Flame Wingman(If necessary, Neos Kluger) to search out Bustnatrix and Avian.
Fuse Bustnatrix and Avian for Elemental HERO Sunriser to search out a copy of Miracle fusion
If normal summon is still available, summon a HERO monster from hand to link summon Xtra HERO Wonder Driver, then summon a HERO to the bottom center arrow of Wonder Driver to retrieve an fusion/change spell card, and use Wonder Driver and an available HERO monster to go into Xtra HERO Dread Decimator(for this, preferably use Malicious, or an atm useless fusion monster). And then summon either Flame Wingman, or one of the omni HEROs(Escuridao or Absolute Zero).
Next turn
If Neos Fusion isn't available, go into the 2nd copy of Xtra HERO Infernal Devicer to search out Neos and Yubel to summon Neos Kluger, and attack for game with the HEROs.