I wanted to make a writeup of this deck on my lunch break. This is one of Alexis' decks from Tag Force 2. This one stuck out to me because it's actually well-built compared to earlier iterations of the strategy - it also makes for better anime duels since it's not a guaranteed blowout. I'll write this out in the same order the cards are listed above so it's easy to follow.
Our first card is Cyber Prima . Prima is a decent beater that can be summoned with one tribute. Its effect allows you to destroy all face up continuous spells on the field. 1x is good because it's situational.
Our next card is 2x Soul of Purity and Light . This card can be summoned by banishing two light monsters from the graveyard (this deck runs a lot) and gains 300 ATK during your opponents battle phase. A great old school card in my opinion.
Next, we have 2x Harvest Angel of Wisdom . When destroyed by battle, it can grab a counter spell trap from your graveyard. This deck runs 7 of those, so it helps recycle some of the best cards in the deck.
The next three are non-engine so I'll put them all in one section. Sangan helps search, Marshmallon helps stall, and Morphing Jar helps alleviate bricked hands. All three are limited one and good inclusions in the list.
Next, we have our two fusion pieces for Cyber Blader. 2x Etoile Cyber and 2x Blade Skater . Both of these cards are hard bricks by this point, so I'm not even going to say much about them. At the very least, they can't be beat over by an opponents Sangan or a floater (ex. Mother Grizzly) while they are in defense position.
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands lets you grab a ritual spell or ritual monster from your deck. Pretty self-explanatory. This deck plays 3x.
Senju of the Thousand Hands can grab you a ritual monster from your deck. I think they went too hard with these guys in the deck. There aren't really enough ritual monsters in this deck to justify running 3x, but we'll just have to deal with it. If you're going to change this build, just play 1x.
Next, we have 2x Cyber Angel Dakini . Dakini is one of the shining stars of this deck. Not only can she make your opponent send a monster to the graveyard (non-targeting, non-destruction), but she also deals piercing damage and can recycle ritual monsters/spells from the graveyard.
Cyber Angel Benten is an 1800 ATK beater. If she destroys an enemy in battle, your opponent will be burned for the original DEF of the monster destroyed. Her better effect, however, is letting you grab a light fairy monster from deck if you tribute her for a ritual summon.
The last monster is 1x Cyber Angel Idaten . Idaten is a defensive wall that can recycle a ritual spell from the graveyard or add one from deck to hand. If tributed for a ritual summon, she gives all your ritual monsters +1000 ATK (permanently).
Onto the spells/traps, we first have Machine Angel Ritual . This is a necessary 3x for this deck in order to get our Angels out on the field. Its AMAZING secondary effect protects from battle or card destruction at the cost of banishing it from the graveyard.
Next, we have 2x Polymerization . This is here just for Cyber Blader.
Followed by 2x Reinforcement of the Army for searching out our fusion pieces.
Next, we have Premature Burial and Swords of Revealing Light . Premature is a self-explanatory great card, and Swords like Marshmallon will help us stall if bricking.
Finally, the traps! Call of the Haunted is another standard 1x for the same reason as Premature Burial.
Miraculous Descent is a great card that can summoned back any fairy type monster you may have banished with Soul of Purity and Light .
And finally, our counter trap lineup! These can all be recycled with Harvest Angel of Wisdom . 2x Divine Wrath helps us negate monster effects. I'll be honest, I wasn't crazy about them including this card in the list. In Tag Force, it's often a dead draw against NPCs.
Next, we have 2x Magic Drain . This is actually a solid card - while inherently a neg 1 it can often force your opponent to go neg 1. Also, if all they have in hand is a Snatch Steal, they have to think VERY carefully about how to respond...
1x Negate Attack is included to help preserve your field or preserve your life points.
Finally, we have 2x Solemn Judgment . Is there anything really to say about this card? It's one of the best cards ever printed. Use it wisely! 2x is a good ratio because often if you open with it, halving your life points when you're at full can be very risky.
And that's it! I hope you had fun reading this, I had fun writing it up.