2024-03-25 18:09:08
+ 1Malefic Rainbow Dragon+ 1Rainbow Bridge of Salvation+ 3Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus+ 1Crystal Promise+ 3Crystal Bond+ 3Rainbow Bridge of the Heart+ 1Crystal Miracle+ 1Advanced Dark+ 3Awakening of the Crystal Ultimates+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat+ 1Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle+ 2Forbidden Droplet+ 1Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle+ 1Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat+ 1Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins+ 1Ultimate Crystal Magic+ 2Crystal Beast Rainbow Dragon+ 2Rainbow Overdragon+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise+ 1Crystal Pair+ 3Rainbow Bridge+ 1Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise+ 1Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger+ 1Crystal Abundance+ 2Rainbow Dark Dragon+ 2Rainbow Dragon+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle+ 2Ultimate Crystal Rainbow Dragon Overdrive+ 1Crystal Conclave+ 2Crystal Master+ 1Crystal Beacon+ 1Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger+ 1Crystal Raigeki
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