this deck increases the consistency of this adamancipator deck a lot.
let's say you get a bad hand and can only get 2 monsters out on the field it is a better move to go into dragoon through verte than take out one link 2 or 1 synchro monster.
Another reason dragoon benefits this deck is the ending combo where you can add red-eyes dark dragoon to all the other power or negating monsters on the field to make the board even harder to break.
example of a combo
1 normal summon
doki doki
2 activate
doki doki 's affect discard
gogogo gigas and SS Adamancipator Analyzer
3 activate and SS
Adamancipator seeker with its own affect
activate analyzers affect SS dragite
5 use dragites affect to draw a card
6 activate seeker's affect to SS
koa'ki meiru guardian
7 link summon halqifibrax with koa'ki meiru guardian and seeker
8 use halqifibraxe's affect to SS seeker
9 summon
IP masquerena with the seeker and doki doki
10 summon avramax with IP masquerena and halqifibrax
11 summon
draco berserker of the tenyi with analyzer and dragite
12 SS
Adamancipator researcher with its own affect
13 activate adamancipator researchers affect to SS
Dodododwarf Gogogogloves
14 activate gogogo gigas and SS itself from the GY
15 synchro summon
adamancipator risen-raptite with researcher and dodododwarf gogogogloves
16 activate dododowarf gogogogloves to SS itself from the GY
17 activate adamancipator risen-raptite and SS seeker
18 synchro summon borreload savage dragon with seeker and adamancipator risen-raptite
19 avtivate boreload savage dragon and equip crystron halqifibrax to savage dragon
20 link summon predaplant verte anaconda with dododowarf gogogogloves and gogogo gigas
21 activate verte anaconda send red-eyes fusion to GY then send DM and red-eyes B. dragon to SS red-eyes dark dragoon
22 keep last card in hand in order for dragoon to have some negating power
as you can see this board is big, and powerful and it would take much effort to break this board witch almost never happens.