Abyss Actor is a very odd archetype. It's got some very explosive effects that are kept in line with some very harsh xenolocks. It's a very unique playstyle for a pendulum deck that can out grind almost anything if you can force the game into such a state.
The deck is intended to be able to go first or second but is better off going second in order to make use of Abyss Actor - Comic Relief, which is one of the most effective tools the deck has.
DECK SIZE: I recommend running between 43-50 cards in your deck when playing Abyss Actors. This is because you want to reduce the chances of opening too many of the Abyss Scripts in your deck, you can also start generating advantage with any abyss actor and any pendulum monster so the extra cards don't result in brick often; however, I wouldn't go beyond 50 as the deck sometimes struggles going first if the opponent has a blowout response on the second turn.
ABYSS ACTORS: All the 3-of Abyss actors are cards that are going to be your main combo pieces that you will use nearly every duel. the 2-ofs are also extremely good but you often do not need multiples. the one-ofs are niche, but you need them in order to have answers to some boards. I typically only side out of 2 copies of Curtain Raiser or Extras if I'm going first or second, but you need minimum one of each regardless of turn order. As for the Abyss Scripts, the only required ones are 2 copies of Abysstainment, which can be searched and and then used to recycle the other scripts while also having one of the best secondary script effects. Rise of the Abyss King is a stellar piece to bait out negation and break boards. I only run less than 3 due to size concerns. Opening Ceremony has an AMAZING effect when popped and has niche uses in very grindy games. Fantasy magic is the weakest script, but it is a searchable out to Dragoon, and other untargetable threats (this could be a 3rd Rise or a Romantic Terror if you're not afraid of Dragoon).
GOING FIRST: Going first is the weaker option for this deck, you won't be able to set up that heavy of a board every time as you will often end up xenolocking yourself to only abyss actors, which do very little to interrupt your opponent. The main disruptions you will be trying to achieve are the following:
Field Spell Setup: either a live Abyss Playhouse - Fantastic Theater or a set Metaverse to go into Mystic Mine. This is either a full stun or a negate + pop of a set script which hopefully gets you by to you're next turn where your advantage will crush the opponent.
Amorphage setup: Amorphage Sloth can be searched with revolution dragon (which can be searched with sky Iris) and summoned with extreme ease with Abyss Actor - Hyper Director. If you can also grab lechery you can also turn off spells for your opponent.
Metaphys Horus: Halqifibrax + a level 4 abyss actor can turn into a formula synchron and then a Metaphys Horus which will steal a monster and negate a card.
If you can't get those, your last ditch options will be number 41, turn 1 vortex, or Archethys. If you can live a turn and not lose your generated advantage to specific blowout cards you will be in a stellar position to control the flow of the duel from then on.
GOING SECOND: Going second is very free form, prioritize getting out as many ED summons as you can out first before xenolocking yourself to Abyss Actors, then attempt to remove problems with Rise of the Abyss King and Comic relief. Popping a key Abyss Script should be next priority as most decks that didn't OTK you won't be able to keep pace with you once you've popped Opening Ceremony or Abysstainment. This deck is very capable of dismantling very big boards with a lot of negates with most of its hands.
MYSTIC MINE: This deck can play liberally while under mystic mine. Abysstainment, Curtain Raiser, and Superstar make a small engine that can let you continually reuse scripts and generate advantage, all while getting rid of all your monsters before the end phase. If you can find space for a Duelist Alliance package, strongly consider running Pendulum Switch, which under your own mystic mine can allow you to clog your opponents board with comic reliefs and deny them outs that aren't spells. You could also run more copies of Mystic Mine, but you don't want to brick and you already can search it via terraforming/metaverse.
EVENLY and ZEUS: This deck's biggest weakness is Divine Arsenal AA Zeus - Sky Thunder, and the even more deadly Evenly Matched. There is very little you can do against these kinds of blowouts, and even worse you lose all the advantage you've generated, which normally gimps your rebuttal and ends the duel. It's extremely dangerous going first if you know your opponent is running it. You should always avoid going first against decks with this option if you can.