With Photon Hypernova's release, Springans received two cards that seemed like CUSTOM-MADE CRACK made by the few remaining Springans enthusiasts in Yugioh (I'm one of them!). The first card, Tally-Ho Springans is "ROTA" + "Soul Charge" all in one card! Not only that, it recurs itself from the GY so you can use it again next turn! The second card is Gigantic Champion Sargas - a monster simultaneously capable of searching for combo pieces while dismantling your opponent's boards through targeted pop/bounce. Its extremely easy summon in this strategy, since all it requires is 1 Springans XYZ monster to overlay on! These pieces of support from PHHY push arguably push the deck to "rogue" powerlevels with their extremely busted effects!
With any Springans monster and Gold Golgonda, this deck can full combo into a ridiculously powerful board most decks would find impossible to deal with. Games tend to revolve around FTKing your opponent if you go first with Naturia Exterio's unlimited S/T negates and Spright Red's/Apollousa's monster negates coupled with multiple pops/bounce/banish interruptions. Going second, your opponent will likely contend with your 2-6 material Zeus, since Springans' "attach from anywhere" gimmick allows them to make a fat XYZ sandwich very easily.
Springans may be one of the weakest of the "Abyss Storyline" archetypes when they first came out - but due to the recent PHHY support they're a surprisingly competent rogue pick that can compete with meta!
This deck only contains one deck core since its played pure - Springans. For the full combo to work, you'll need any Springans monster and the archetypal field spell - Gold Golgonda. There are essentially 17 copies of Springans monsters in the deck with 9 Springan monsters + 3 Watch, 3 Tally-Ho and 2 Spright Smashers ("emergency teleport" for Springans). There are 10 copies of Gold Golgonda in the deck with 1 Terraforming, 3 Watch, 3 Booty and 3 of the field spell. To increase the consistency of Springans monster + Gold Golgonda combo, 2 Pot of Prosperity is included. Designed with maximized consistency in mind, most opening hands should have at least 1 Springans monster with 1 Gold Golgonda.
A small 5 card package of Sprights are used since they are used for the "Gigantic Spright" part of the main combo. Two Smashers are put in the maindeck, since the card can summon a Springans monster from deck (its either an "emergency teleport" for Springans or a banish for Spright).
The rest of the cards in the main deck are staples, and can be changed anytime for your side deck or to fit the current Yugioh metagame. Some chokepoints in this deck's combo are quite fragile, so Crossout Designator is included with its banish targets in the maindeck (Nibiru, Ash Blossom and Droll).
Springans function as a negate-heavy FTK deck that consistently creates a near-unbreakable board. The typical first turn board generates Naturia Exterio (Unlimited S/T negates), I:P Masquerena to make 3 material Apollousa, 1 monster negate with Spright Red, and a set Spright Smashers. Some boards also have a quick effect double removal of Springans Sargas and Champion Sargas (pop + pop/bounce) if both are on the field.
Here is the deck's bread and butter combo:
Any Springans Monster + Gold Golgonda = Naturia Exterio + I:P Masquerena-> 3 material Apollousa + Spright Red + Spright Smashers
- Activate Gold Golgonda. Activate Gold Golgonda's effect to discard your Springans monster to special summon Springans Merrymaker from the Extra Deck.
- Send to GY a level 4 Springans with Merrymaker's effect on summon. If you already have a Springans level 4 in hand, send Branga to the GY (it searches another Springans card for follow-up next turn) or Sargas (quick effect pop on field with an XYZ monster).
- Attach from hand, field and GY as many Springans as possible to Merrymaker (ideally 2-3).
- Overlay on Merrymaker Gigantic "Champion" Sargas.
- Search with Gigantic Sargas from deck Tally-ho! Springans.
- Activate Tally-ho! Springans, detaching 3 materials from Gigantic Sargas. Add from deck a level 4 Springans monster. Special summon from hand and GY 2 level 4 Springans monsters and a third Springans monster of choice (ideally Branga or Sargas).
- Activate Gigantic Sargas' trigger effect when a material is detached to return Gold Golgonda on the field to your hand. (This is follow-up for next turn if your opponent survives). Alternatively, you can destroy/bounce your opponent's card if they have something on field.
- XYZ summon Gear Gigant X using the two level 4 Springans. Detach from Gear Gigant X to search for Cyber-Stein from deck.
- Link summon Platinum Gadget using the last Springans monster on field and Gear Gigant X.
- Special summon Cyber-Stein from hand with Platinum Gadget's effect.
- Activate Cyber-Stein's effect to special summon Naturia Exterio from your Extra Deck.
- XYZ summon Gigantic Spright in the Extra Monster Zone using Cyber-Stein and Platinum Gadget.
- (Spright line) Detach material from Gigantic Spright to summon Spright Blue from deck. Blue searches Jet. Jet searches Starter (or Smashers for the banish). Starter summons Red from deck.
- Use Gigantic Spright and Spright Blue/Jet to link summon I:P Masquerena. Masqurena summons either Apollousa (monster negates) or Knightmare Unicorn (targeted shuffle) during your opponent's turn.
- Summon any extenders, normal summon if you haven't yet (extra material for Masquerena), and set any remaining S/T cards.
With just a Springans monster and Gold Golgonda, you have unlimited S/T negates (Exterio), I:P Masquerena (3-4 material Apollousa for monster negates), Spright Red (1 monster negate) and follow-up in hand for next turn's OTK! Usually (unless your opponent has Super Poly, Forbidden Droplet or Dark Ruler No More) your opponent cannot do anything and they outright surrender or simply gets overwhelmed on your next turn.
Springans has quite a bit of difficulty going second, since a well-timed interruption at an important choke point in your combo (ex. Removing Merrymaker, Ash on Tally-Ho, Droll, Nibiru, D-Shifter) severely limits what the duelist can do. Vs. a full board, the ideal play is to make a 2-6 material Zeus and reset the board with a full wipe. After that, you can usually full combo given you have Gold Golgonda and a Springans monster. Other than that, you can attempt to go full combo and hope your opponent wastes their interruption on other parts of the combo that aren't as important, such as the dump to the GY on Merrymaker's summon. The regular combo naturally clears boards, since Champion Sargas pop/bounces a card as part the regular line of play. Tally-Ho's ridiculous "soul charge" gives you plenty of link material to clear boards with Knightmare Unicorn and Accesscode Talker and go for OTK.
Springans may be a one trick pony that gives you alot of "non-games" (either you FTK your opponent since you negate EVERYTHING or you don't FTK and lose miserably to 1-2 interruptions), but boy does the deck pack a punch! It's boards are nigh unbreakable with all three types of cards - spell, trap and monster rendered useless by Naturia Exterio, Apollousa and Spright Red. Not only that, your opponent will have to contend with Springans and Champion Sargas' double removal along with Spright Smashers! If you're the type of duelist who FTK'd their opponent with a million negates like the Spyral and Adamancipator strategies in times past, Springans might be the deck for you!
With Photon Hypernova support, this "Abyss Storyline" deck of soot robots - Springans, has reached rogue potential in the Yugioh metagame, watch out!
GLHF Duelists!