Lava golem takes the place of maju/diva/denko/luna and sharnga lets you make lvl 10 synchros without a normal summon. Sharnga can also get bounced by Alpha which opens up the board for OTK with numeron when normally you wouldn't be able to summon Alpha after bouncing the kaiju/golem. It is perfect bait as well because if they imperm your alpha, the sharnga stays and you get to make a synchro. Sharnga being dark is also relevant with spoly, being able to make venom with a set sharnga.
Fenrir isn't great for OTK lines but it baits interruption and is essentially the only play going 1st aside from full armor master or spoly, it also can get value if discarded by bigfoot or spoly.
Full armor master + skill drain is a wincon on its own. Replaced summon limit with dogwood, same thing but lets me make synchros and win in time, safer if they unexpectedly make me go 2nd, but worse into talents/thrust. Psychic end punisher comes up suprisingly often to close out games, particularly post side with dogwood. If they call your bluff and you lose 4k you get a 7.5k unaffected if they don't or you chain dogwood now you are probably just killing them by swinging it over a lava golem. Accel was in here before psychic end for garura or a bystial with sharnga.
Prosp is a bit risky with the draw cards but it helps immensely with seeing floodgates post side. Cosmic is absolutely necessary usually I just swap it with lightning storm in case I go 1st unless it is a backrow matchup. Back and forth on pushing bystials into main and adding D barrier into side.