Side Deck

2025-01-08 05:56:16
+ 1Lava Golem+ 1Hieratic Sky Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis+ 1Soul Release+ 1Schwarzschild Limit Dragon+ 1Burning Dragon+ 1Chain Hole+ 1Therion "King" Regulus+ 1Aegaion the Sea Castrum+ 1Gigantic "Champion" Sargas+ 1Child's Play+ 1Peaceful Burial+ 1Xyz Import+ 1Therion "Reaper" Fum+ 1Endless Engine Argyro System+ 1Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison+ 1Called by the Grave+ 1Number 97: Draglubion+ 1Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall+ 1Bottomless Trap Hole+ 1Coach King Giantrainer+ 1Supreme Sovereign Serpent of Golgonda+ 1Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon+ 1Gigantic Thundercross+ 1Light End Sublimation Dragon+ 1Foolish Burial Goods+ 1Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju+ 1Trade-In+ 1Titaniklad the Ash Dragon+ 1Danger! Bigfoot!+ 1Danger!? Jackalope?+ 1Twin Twisters+ 1Full House+ 1Drowning Mirror Force+ 1Therion "Empress" Alasia+ 1Dark Hole+ 1Despian Luluwalilith+ 1Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous+ 1New Frontier+ 1Therion "Duke" Yul+ 1Therion Charge+ 1Number 100: Numeron Dragon+ 1Dark End Evaporation Dragon+ 1The Iris Swordsoul+ 1Springans Ship - Exblowrer+ 1Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy+ 1Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju+ 1Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings+ 1Titanocider+ 1Pot of Avarice+ 1Chicken Game+ 1Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted+ 1Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher+ 1Dark Hole Dragon+ 1Alpha, the Master of Beasts+ 1Set Rotation+ 1Metalfoes Fusion+ 1Terraforming+ 1Painful Choice+ 1Beast King Barbaros+ 1Foolish Burial+ 1Danger! Ogopogo!+ 1Therion "Lily" Borea+ 1Therion "Bull" Ain+ 1Therion Discolosseum+ 1Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon+ 1Metaverse+ 1Danger! Thunderbird!+ 1Mekk-Knight Indigo Eclipse+ 1Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju+ 1Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star+ 1Planet Pathfinder+ 1Pot of Dichotomy+ 1Jar of Avarice+ 1Thelematech Clatis+ 1Interrupted Kaiju Slumber

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