A King's Guide to Red Dragon Archfiend (October 2023)
Deck Primer
The "Crimson King" structure deck has finally released for the TCG on September 21st, and I decided to buy x3 of the product for myself to test out the new cards. To my surprise, the deck is surprisingly resilient, explosive, powerful and most importantly, FUN! In my humble opinion, I'd say the Crimson King structure deck gives you as much competitive bang for your buck as the Albaz and Traptrix structure decks, I highly recommend you folks get it too!
Red Dragon Archfiend now has 9 one card combos, and an additional 6 ways to two-card combo, making the deck extremely consistent - on par with other synchro strategies like Swordsoul and P.U.N.K. This allows the strategy to fit in a whopping 18+ non-engine cards and still be playable! As a result, this deck can confidently play through minor handtraps like Ash Blossom and Impermanence. High impact handtraps such as Nibiru and Droll can be shrugged off as well!
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
Being a synchro deck, Red Dragon Archfiend is inherently combo-focused. This strategy features several combos, and they are resilient and can pivot to another direction depending on the gamestate (For example, this deck can play through high impact handtraps like Nibiru, or if certain chokepoints like Red Rising Dragon and Crimson Resonator are negated/interrupted). This strategy has many combos, but I'll just feature the three I like to use.
Here is the deck's bread-and-butter 1 card combo:
Crimson Gaia = Bystial Dispater (Monster negate or destroy) + Hot Red Dragon Archfiend (Omni-negate any card on opponent's field) + Red Zone (Targeted destuction, summons Dark Dragon Synchro from banished) + Crimson Gaia (follow-up search and summons Red Dragon Archfiend if a monster is destroyed) + Soul Resonator in GY (destruction protection) + Bone Archfiend in GY (follow-up) + Synkron Resonator (follow-up).
- Activate Crimson Gaia. Search Soul Resonator.
- Normal summon Soul Resonator. Search Bone Archfiend.
- Special summon Bone Archfiend from hand by sending a card from hand/field to GY. (For a true 1 card combo, you'd send Crimson Gaia, but typically you have other cards in hand to send since it is ideal to keep Crimson Gaia on field).
- Activate Bone Archfiend's level modification effect targeting Soul Resonator reducing it's level by 1 making level 2. Send from deck to GY Crimson Resonator. (If Crimson Resonator is already in GY, send Uvualoop instead).
- Synchro summon Red Rising Dragon using Bone Archfiend + Soul Resonator.
- Red Rising Dragon summons from GY Crimson Resonator.
- Activate Crimson Resonator's effect to summon Vision Resonator and Synkron Resonator from deck.
- Synchro summon Scarred Dragon Archfiend using Crimson Resonator + Red Rising Dragon.
- Synchro summon Bystial Dispater using Scarred Dragon Archfiend + Vision Resonator.
- CL1 Vision Resonator to search Red Zone, CL2 Scarred Dragon Archfiend to special summon (counts as synchro summon) Red Dragon Archfiend from Extra Deck.
- Synchro summon Hot Red Dragon Archfiend using Red Dragon Archfiend + Synkron Resonator.
- Activate Synkron Resonator's effect to add from GY a resonator from GY (Soul Resonator for follow-up next turn or Vision Resonator tuner extender).
- Summon any other extenders, summon additional Dark Synchro Dragon monsters (Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend can negate S/T during battle phase, like Evenly Matched or summon another Scarred Dragon since it floats and is "Red Dragon Archfiend" on the field turning on Red Zone). Set your spells/traps, especially Red Zone.
HELP! (I'VE BEEN NIBIRU'D!) Crimson Gaia + Bystial + Bone Archfiend = Bystial Dispater (Monster negate or destroy) + Scarred Dragon Archfiend (Presence on-field turns on Red Zone, floats into OG Red Dragon Archfiend), Red Zone (Targeted destuction, summons Dark Dragon Synchro from banished) + Crimson Gaia (follow-up search and summons Red Dragon Archfiend if a monster is destroyed) + Soul Resonator in GY (destruction protection) + Bone Archfiend in GY (follow-up) + Synkron Resonator (follow-up).
- Activate Crimson Gaia. Search Soul Resonator.
- Normal summon Soul Resonator. Search Obsessive Uvualoop.
- Special summon Bone Archfiend from hand by sending a card from hand/field to GY. (For a true 1 card combo, you'd send Crimson Gaia, but typically you have other cards in hand to send since it is ideal to keep Crimson Gaia on field).
- Activate Bone Archfiend's level modification effect targeting Soul Resonator reducing it's level by 1 making level 2. Send from deck to GY Crimson Resonator. (If Crimson Resonator is already in GY, send Uvualoop instead).
- Synchro summon Red Rising Dragon using Bone Archfiend + Soul Resonator.
- Red Rising Dragon summons from GY Crimson Resonator.
- Activate Crimson Resonator's effect to summon Vision Resonator and Synkron Resonator from deck. (AT THIS POINT, TYPICALLY OPPONENTS NIBIRU SINCE THIS IS THE 5TH SUMMON)
- CL1 Synkron Resonator to add Vision Resonator back to hand, CL2 Vision Resonator to search Red Zone.
- Special summon Bystial, banishing Crimson Resonator from GY.
- Special summon Vision Resonator from hand, since you control a level 5 or higher monster (the Bystial).
- Special summon Uvualoop from hand, banishing Red Rising Dragon in GY.
- Synchro summon Bystial Dis Pater using Bystial + Uvualoop.
- Activate Bystial Dis Pater's effect to special summon from banished Red Rising Dragon.
- Synchro summon Scarred Dragon Archfiend using Vision Resonator + Red Rising Dragon.
- Summon any other extenders, summon additional Dark Synchro Dragon monsters (Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend can negate S/T during battle phase, like Evenly Matched or summon another Scarred Dragon since it floats and is "Red Dragon Archfiend" on the field turning on Red Zone). Set your spells/traps, especially Red Zone.
One of the best endboards, featuring Bystial Lubellion and the one card combo:
Bystial Lubellion + Crimson Gaia = Bystial Dispater (Monster negate or destroy) + Hot Red Dragon Archfiend (Omni-negate any card on opponent's field) + Scarred Dragon Archfiend (Presence on-field turns on Red Zone, floats into OG Red Dragon Archfiend) + Red Zone (Targeted destuction, summons Dark Dragon Synchro from banished) + Crimson Gaia (follow-up search and summons Red Dragon Archfiend if a monster is destroyed) + Soul Resonator in GY (destruction protection) + Bone Archfiend in GY (follow-up) + Synkron Resonator (follow-up) + Branded Beast (Targeted destruction) + Branded Regained (+1 draw when a card is banished, summon Bystial from GY).
- Activate Crimson Gaia. Search Soul Resonator.
- Normal summon Soul Resonator. Search Bone Archfiend.
- Special summon Bone Archfiend from hand by sending a card from hand/field to GY. (For a true 1 card combo, you'd send Crimson Gaia, but typically you have other cards in hand to send since it is ideal to keep Crimson Gaia on field).
- Activate Bone Archfiend's level modification effect targeting Soul Resonator reducing it's level by 1 making level 2. Send from deck to GY Crimson Resonator. (If Crimson Resonator is already in GY, send Uvualoop instead).
- Synchro summon Red Rising Dragon using Bone Archfiend + Soul Resonator.
- Red Rising Dragon summons from GY Crimson Resonator.
- Activate Crimson Resonator's effect to summon Vision Resonator and Synkron Resonator from deck.
- Synchro summon Scarred Dragon Archfiend using Crimson Resonator + Red Rising Dragon.
- Activate Bystial Lubellion's effect to search for Bystial Saronir.
- Activate Bystial Saronir's effect to summon itself banishing Crimson Resonator from GY.
- Summon Lubellion from GY tributing Scarred Dragon Archfiend.
- Activate Scarred Dragon Archfriend's effect to special summon (counts as synchro summon) Red Dragon Archfiend from Extra Deck.
- Activate Lubellion's effect to place Branded Beast on your backrow.
- Synchro summon Bystial Dispater using Bystial Lubellion + Vision Resonator.
- Vision Resonator searches Red Zone since it was sent to GY.
- Synchro summon Hot Red Dragon Archfiend using Red Dragon Archfiend + Synkron Resonator.
- Activate Synkron Resonator's effect to add from GY a resonator from GY (Soul Resonator for follow-up next turn or Vision Resonator tuner extender).
- Synchro summon a second Scarred Dragon Archfiend using Bystial Saronir + Crimson Resonator.
- Activate Saronir's effect in the GY since it left the field. Send Branded Regained to the GY.
- Summon any other extenders, summon additional Dark Synchro Dragon monsters (Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend can negate S/T during battle phase, like Evenly Matched or summon another Scarred Dragon since it floats and is "Red Dragon Archfiend" on the field turning on Red Zone). Set your spells/traps, especially Red Zone.
- In the End Phase, Branded Beast places Branded Regained on your backrow.
- Good cards to consider for the side deck that this deck can abuse is Eradicator Epidemic Virus (and the other virus cards), since it's an insta-win vs. certain decks.
- Red Dragon Archfiend's usual endboard can negate Dark Ruler No More and Forbidden Droplet (if they didn't send a trap)! When your opponent activates Dark Ruler/Droplet, CL2 Red Zone to pop a card, then CL3 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend's effect to negate the card. Pretty snazzy eh? Not every deck can use a monster to negate Dark Ruler/Droplet!
- Try to leave Soul Resonator in the GY after your combo, it is destruction protection while you control any synchro monster that mentions Red Dragon Archfiend!
- Try to set up your banished pile with a card so that Bystial Dispater can at least use it's destruction effect! Sometimes depending on your cards Bystial Dispater's destroy/negation effect won't be live. The best cards to set up the banished piles are Bystials and Obsessive Uvualoop.
- Obsessive Uvualoop is an incredible extender in this deck. It's also searchable as part of this deck's combo (for example, if you already have Crimson Resonator, you can search for Uvualoop). This card can banish multiple synchro monsters at the end of the regular combo so that Dispater can summon them from the banished pile, while setting up Dispater's destroy/negation!
- Bystials do an incredible job of cracking boards and forcing interaction from your opponent. Resolve Bystial cards first before moving on to your main combo! Remember, all you have to do is resolve Crimson Gaia/Soul Resonator and you're off to the races!
Make competitive use of your x3 "Crimson King" structure deck and your opponents will feel your ABSOLUTE POWERFORCE!
Konami has really been killing it with strong structure decks in the TCG - with the deck strong enough for competition almost right out ot the box! My additions to the structure deck cards aim to make Red Dragon Archfiend as competitive as possible with the Bystial engine and plethora of staples designed to counter the current meta.
"A foolish king once forsook his land and friends, but his scarred soul was saved by a compassionate heart. He who has determined to live his own destiny shall save the world and become the true king, giver of happiness and loved by all."
Jack Atlas and his red minions has truly reached his peak form with the Crimson King structure deck. I can confidently now say that THE KING IS BACK BABY!
GLHF Duelists!
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