Overview of the Deck
This is the exact list I ran to win my locals, beating Swordsoul, Traptrix, Labrynth, Branded and Kashtira. It is similar to my last list, with a few changes that I feel help to make it optimal. While the deck has a high ceiling, it struggles with side-decking, as the Dark World and Dangers function together as a 40 card engine. I realised the best 5 cards to side out (this is usually the most cards you can remove without killing the engine) are 2x Ceruli, Guru of Dark World, a single copy of Sillva, Warlord of Dark World (because there's not usually any point hand-looping going second), Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite (so you can put in better going-second normal summons like Denko Sekka and Lava Golem) and a single copy of Broww, Huntsman of Dark World. Broww is a fantastic card, but the engine functions just fine with two copies post-siding.
The changes and Dark World's adaptation to the meta
-1 Danger! Mothman! +1 Danger! Chupacabra! (Mothman is dangerous since it can allow your opponent to draw valuble side cards, and Chupacabra has more inherent synergy with the engine being a Fiend type while still being a level 4 for the critical rank 4 Xyz plays)
-1 Abyss Dweller (moved to the side) +1 Akashic Magician (Dweller has fallen out of favour since Tear got hit, but it is a fantastic side deck card going 1st, as it does not punish your engine and beats GY decks. Akashic is just a fantastic card, being able to bounce back both a Danger! monster and a Ceruli)
-3 Volcanic Scattershot +2 The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode (I realised scattershot is fairly useless as we have Coach King Giantrainer to burn on time. It goes without saying that Sphere Mode is fantastic, especially when paired with Lava Golem as your 5 card side-in vs combo decks)
-3 Neko Mane King +3 Denko Sekka (With Labrynth and Traptrix running wild in the meta, Denko is a must since we don't need our normal summon. Also pairs nicely with a copy of Cosmic Cyclone and Harpie's Feather Duster for your 5 card side against backrow decks. You want the two cyclone for Runick, and you could even run 3 cyclone instead of Duster if you run into it too much. Duster is better than Lightning Storm as we can draw into it easily by comboing, and having anything on field turns off Lightning Storm after we draw into it. Neko was a good cheese option vs Tear, but that's no longer relevant)
- Called by the Grave & Dark World Puppetry + Evilswarm Nightmare and 2x Linguriboh (Called by is just too sacky from my testing, no one was running Droll & Lock Bird today as most people are more scared of Kashtira, so it wasn't needed anyway. Dark World Puppetry is also less relevant because of the Tear hits. Evilswarm Nightmare is hilarious vs Kashtira going 1st, and Linguriboh is there to beat the Knightmare Corruptor Iblee lock)