BATTLE CITY (395 cube)

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January 24, 2024
Cube List - Singleton Cube
Winged Beast
Sea Serpent
Winged Beast
Sea Serpent
60 Normal Spell 103 Effect Monster 89 Normal Monster 9 Fusion Effect Monster 42 Normal Trap 13 Equip Spell 14 Quick-Play Spell 5 Ritual Spell 4 Ritual Monster 10 Fusion Monster 17 Continuous Trap 14 Continuous Spell 3 Field Spell 3 Flip Effect Monster 5 Counter Trap 1 Ritual Effect Monster 3 Union Effect Monster
60 Normal Spell 103 Effect Monster 89 Normal Monster 9 Fusion Effect Monster 42 Normal Trap 13 Equip Spell 14 Quick-Play Spell 5 Ritual Spell 4 Ritual Monster 10 Fusion Monster 17 Continuous Trap 14 Continuous Spell 3 Field Spell 3 Flip Effect Monster 5 Counter Trap 1 Ritual Effect Monster 3 Union Effect Monster
  • A Wingbeat of Giant DragonCommon
  • AgidoCommon
  • Alligator's SwordCommon
  • Alligator's Sword DragonRare
  • Alpha The Magnet WarriorCommon
  • Amazoness ArchersRare
  • Amazoness Chain MasterCommon
  • Amazoness FighterCommon
  • Amazoness SpellcasterCommon
  • Amazoness Swords WomanUltra Rare
  • Amphibian BeastCommon
  • AmplifierCommon
  • Anti-Magic ArrowsSuper Rare
  • Aqua MadoorRare
  • Archfiend of GilferRare
  • Armored ZombieCommon
  • Axe RaiderRare
  • Baby DragonCommon
  • Bait Doll
  • Battle OxCommon
  • Battle WarriorCommon
  • Beaver WarriorCommon
  • BerfometCommon
  • Beta The Magnet WarriorCommon
  • Big Shield GardnaRare
  • Black Luster RitualCommon
  • Black Luster SoldierCommon
  • Black PendantRare
  • Blade KnightRare
  • Blast Held by a TributeRare
  • Blue-Eyes Ultimate DragonRare
  • Blue-Eyes White DragonUltra Rare
  • Boar SoldierCommon
  • BowganianCommon
  • Brain ControlRare
  • Breath of LightRare
  • Buster BladerCommon
  • Byser ShockRare
  • Call of the HauntedSuper Rare
  • Card DestructionUltra Rare
  • Card of DemiseSuper Rare
  • Card of Safe ReturnUltra Rare
  • Card of SanctityRare
  • Castle WallsCommon
  • Celtic GuardianRare
  • Cestus of DaglaCommon
  • Chain DestructionRare
  • Change of HeartUltra Rare
  • Chimera the Flying Mythical BeastRare
  • Chorus of SanctuaryCommon
  • Chosen OneCommon
  • CloningCommon
  • Cockroach KnightRare
  • Cocoon of EvolutionRare
  • Coffin SellerRare
  • Collected PowerCommon
  • Cost DownCommon
  • Crass ClownCommon
  • Crush Card VirusRare
  • Curse of DragonCommon
  • Curse of FiendCommon
  • Curse of the Masked BeastCommon
  • Cyber Harpie LadyCommon
  • Cyber JarUltra Rare
  • Cyber RaiderCommon
  • D.D. WarriorRare
  • Dark BladeCommon
  • Dark DesignatorCommon
  • Dark JeroidCommon
  • Dark Magic CurtainRare
  • Dark MagicianUltra Rare
  • Dark Magician GirlSuper Rare
  • Dark NecrofearSuper Rare
  • Dark PaladinRare
  • Dark RenewalRare
  • Dark Ruler Ha DesRare
  • Dark SanctuaryUltra Rare
  • Dark Spell RegenerationSuper Rare
  • Dark Spirit of the SilentCommon
  • Dark ZebraCommon
  • De-FusionRare
  • De-SpellCommon
  • Des Feral ImpRare
  • Destiny BoardSuper Rare
  • Different Dimension DragonRare
  • Diffusion Wave-MotionSuper Rare
  • Double Spell
  • Dragged Down into the GraveSuper Rare
  • Dragon Master KnightRare
  • Dragon SeekerCommon
  • Dragon ZombieCommon
  • Dramatic RescueCommon
  • DrillagoCommon
  • Dunames Dark WitchSuper Rare
  • Dust TornadoRare
  • Earthbound SpiritCommon
  • EctoplasmerRare
  • Egyptian God SlimeSuper Rare
  • Electromagnetic TurtleSuper Rare
  • Elegant EgotistCommon
  • Embodiment of ApophisRare
  • Emergency ProvisionsRare
  • Enemy ControllerCommon
  • Eradicating AerosolRare
  • ExchangeSuper Rare
  • Exchange of the SpiritSuper Rare
  • Exile of the WickedCommon
  • Exodia the Forbidden OneSuper Rare
  • Fairy BoxRare
  • Feral ImpCommon
  • Fiend KrakenCommon
  • Fiend's SanctuaryRare
  • Final Attack OrdersCommon
  • Firewing PegasusRare
  • Flame ManipulatorCommon
  • Flame SwordsmanRare
  • Flying FishCommon
  • Flying Kamakiri #1Common
  • Flying Kamakiri #2Common
  • Foolish BurialUltra Rare
  • Fortress WhaleRare
  • Fortress Whale's OathRare
  • Gadget SoldierCommon
  • Gaia The Fierce KnightCommon
  • Gaia the Dragon ChampionCommon
  • GambleCommon
  • Gamma the Magnet WarriorCommon
  • GaroozisCommon
  • Gazelle the King of Mythical BeastsCommon
  • Gear Golem the Moving FortressRare
  • Gearfried the Iron KnightRare
  • GerniaCommon
  • Giant Soldier of StoneCommon
  • Giant TrunadeUltra Rare
  • Gil GarthCommon
  • Gilford the LightningRare
  • Giltia the D. KnightCommon
  • Goblin ZombieRare
  • Graceful CharityUltra Rare
  • Graceful DiceCommon
  • GranadoraCommon
  • Grand Tiki ElderCommon
  • GraverobberCommon
  • Gravity BindRare
  • Great Mammoth of GoldfineCommon
  • Great MothRare
  • Great WhiteCommon
  • Ground Attacker BugrothCommon
  • Gust FanCommon
  • Hannibal NecromancerRare
  • Harpie LadyCommon
  • Harpie Lady 1Rare
  • Harpie Lady 2Common
  • Harpie Lady 3Common
  • Harpie Lady SistersCommon
  • Harpie's Feather DusterUltra Rare
  • Hayabusa KnightCommon
  • Headless KnightCommon
  • HelpoemerRare
  • Hidden SoldiersRare
  • HinotamaCommon
  • Hitotsu-Me GiantCommon
  • Holding ArmsCommon
  • Holding LegsCommon
  • Humanoid Worm DrakeCommon
  • HyozanryuCommon
  • Infinite CardsCommon
  • Insect BarrierRare
  • Insect QueenRare
  • Insect Soldiers of the SkyCommon
  • Interdimensional Matter TransporterRare
  • InvigorationCommon
  • Invitation to a Dark SleepCommon
  • Jack's KnightCommon
  • Jam Breeding MachineCommon
  • Jam DefenderCommon
  • JellyfishCommon
  • JinzoSuper Rare
  • Jowgen the SpiritualistSuper Rare
  • Judgment of AnubisRare
  • JuragedoRare
  • Kairyu-ShinCommon
  • Kaiser GliderRare
  • Kaiser Sea HorseRare
  • KelbekCommon
  • KeldoCommon
  • King's KnightCommon
  • KiseitaiCommon
  • Koumori DragonCommon
  • Kunai with ChainRare
  • KuribohRare
  • La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the LampCommon
  • Lady of FaithCommon
  • Larvae MothCommon
  • Lava GolemSuper Rare
  • Left Arm OfferingSuper Rare
  • Left Arm of the Forbidden OneCommon
  • Left Leg of the Forbidden OneCommon
  • Legendary FiendCommon
  • Legendary SwordCommon
  • LeghulCommon
  • Legion the Fiend JesterRare
  • LekungaRare
  • Lesser DragonCommon
  • Light of InterventionRare
  • Lightforce SwordCommon
  • Lightning BladeCommon
  • Little-WinguardCommon
  • Lord PoisonCommon
  • Lord of D.Rare
  • Lullaby of ObedienceUltra Rare
  • M-Warrior #1Common
  • M-Warrior #2Common
  • Machine Conversion FactoryCommon
  • Machine DuplicationSuper Rare
  • Machine KingCommon
  • Magic CylinderSuper Rare
  • Magic FormulaRare
  • Magic JammerRare
  • Magical Arm ShieldRare
  • Magical DimensionRare
  • Magical HatsSuper Rare
  • Magical Stone ExcavationUltra Rare
  • Maha VailoRare
  • Makiu, the Magical MistRare
  • Makyura the DestructorSuper Rare
  • Malevolent CatastropheRare
  • Malice Doll of DemiseRare
  • Masaki the Legendary SwordsmanCommon
  • Mask of BrutalityRare
  • Mask of DispelRare
  • Mask of RestrictSuper Rare
  • Mask of WeaknessCommon
  • Mask of the AccursedRare
  • Masked Beast Des GardiusSuper Rare
  • MechanicalchaserRare
  • Megasonic EyeCommon
  • Melchid the Four-Face BeastCommon
  • Mesmeric ControlCommon
  • Metal DragonRare
  • Metal Reflect SlimeCommon
  • MetalmorphCommon
  • MetalzoaCommon
  • Meteor of DestructionRare
  • Mind ControlUltra Rare
  • Mirror ForceSuper Rare
  • Mirror WallRare
  • Monster RebornUltra Rare
  • Mother GrizzlyCommon
  • MudoraRare
  • MukoRare
  • Multiple DestructionSuper Rare
  • Multiplication of AntsRare
  • MultiplyRare
  • Musician KingCommon
  • Mystic BoxCommon
  • Mystic TomatoCommon
  • Mystical Beast of SerketCommon
  • Mystical ElfCommon
  • Mystical RefpanelUltra Rare
  • Mystical Space TyphoonRare
  • Negate AttackCommon
  • Nekogal #1Common
  • NewdoriaRare
  • Nightmare WheelRare
  • Nightmare's SteelcageRare
  • Nutrient ZCommon
  • Obelisk the TormentorUltra Rare
  • Obnoxious Celtic GuardCommon
  • Paladin of White DragonCommon
  • Panther WarriorRare
  • Parasite ParacideSuper Rare
  • Perfectly Ultimate Great MothSuper Rare
  • Petit DragonCommon
  • Pinch HopperCommon
  • Pitch-Dark DragonCommon
  • PolymerizationCommon
  • Pot of GreedUltra Rare
  • Premature BurialUltra Rare
  • Puppet MasterCommon
  • Queen's KnightCommon
  • QuestionUltra Rare
  • RaigekiUltra Rare
  • Red-Eyes Black DragonUltra Rare
  • Reflect BounderRare
  • ReinforcementsCommon
  • Relieve MonsterRare
  • Remove TrapCommon
  • Return of the DoomedCommon
  • Revival JamCommon
  • Right Arm of the Forbidden OneCommon
  • Right Leg of the Forbidden OneCommon
  • Ring of DefenseCommon
  • Ring of DestructionRare
  • Rocket WarriorRare
  • Rogue DollCommon
  • Rope of LifeRare
  • Roulette SpiderRare
  • Ryu-Kishin PoweredCommon
  • Saggi the Dark ClownCommon
  • SalamandraRare
  • SanganRare
  • ScapegoatUltra Rare
  • SeiyaryuSuper Rare
  • Serpent Night DragonRare
  • Seven Tools of the BanditRare
  • Shield & SwordRare
  • ShiftCommon
  • Shining AbyssCommon
  • ShrinkRare
  • Silent DoomCommon
  • Silver FangCommon
  • Skull DiceCommon
  • Skull InvitationRare
  • Skull-Mark LadybugCommon
  • Slifer the Sky DragonUltra Rare
  • Solemn JudgmentUltra Rare
  • Sonic MaidCommon
  • Soul ExchangeRare
  • Soul RopeRare
  • Soul TakerRare
  • Souls of the ForgottenCommon
  • Spear DragonRare
  • Spell AbsorptionRare
  • Spell ReproductionRare
  • Spell Shattering ArrowRare
  • Spell of PainSuper Rare
  • Spellbinding Circle
  • Spirit Message Common
  • Spirit Message Common
  • Spirit Message Common
  • Spirit Message Common
  • Spirit of the HarpCommon
  • SpiritualismCommon
  • Steel Ogre Grotto #1Common
  • Stone Statue of the AztecsRare
  • Stop DefenseCommon
  • Summoned SkullSuper Rare
  • Swords of Revealing LightSuper Rare
  • Swordsman of LandstarCommon
  • SwordstalkerCommon
  • Temple of the KingsSuper Rare
  • Terra the TerribleCommon
  • The Dark DoorCommon
  • The Earl of DemiseCommon
  • The Fiend MegacyberRare
  • The Flute of Summoning DragonCommon
  • The Gross Ghost of Fled DreamsCommon
  • The Legendary FishermanRare
  • The Mask of RemnantsSuper Rare
  • The Masked BeastSuper Rare
  • The Portrait's SecretCommon
  • The Regulation of TribeCommon
  • The Shallow GraveRare
  • The Snake HairCommon
  • The Unfriendly AmazonCommon
  • The Winged Dragon of RaUltra Rare
  • Thousand DragonRare
  • Thousand KnivesCommon
  • Three-Headed GeedoCommon
  • Thunder DragonRare
  • Tiger AxeCommon
  • Time SealUltra Rare
  • Time WizardRare
  • Tornado WallRare
  • Torrential TributeRare
  • TragedyRare
  • Trap Hole of SpikesCommon
  • Tribute BurialSuper Rare
  • Tribute to the DoomedRare
  • Twin-Headed Fire DragonCommon
  • Twin-Headed Thunder DragonCommon
  • Tyhone #2Common
  • UmiRare
  • Valkyrion the Magna WarriorRare
  • Vengeful Bog SpiritCommon
  • Virus CannonRare
  • Viser DesRare
  • Vorse RaiderRare
  • Wall of IllusionRare
  • Water OmoticsCommon
  • White Dragon RitualCommon
  • Witch of the Black ForestSuper Rare
  • Worm DrakeCommon
  • X-Head CannonCommon
  • XY-Dragon CannonRare
  • XYZ-Dragon CannonRare
  • XZ-Tank CannonRare
  • Y-Dragon HeadCommon
  • YZ-Tank DragonRare
  • Z-Metal TankCommon
  • Zera RitualRare
  • Zera the MantCommon
  • ZoaCommon
  • ZolgaCommon